Never Alone

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In the last chapter we got to see a small amount of your past and the friends you had made and losses you suffered.

To you

Ever since I was exposed to the student of Beacon things have become a little different as I was able to move more freely and even sit with team RWBY and their friends team JNPR but I was also getting stares of fear and disgust which was nothing new.

Me: "I wonder what I should do now that Ozpin gave me a little more freedom to move around".

As I walked through the halls I peeked into a class which Blake was in and watched as she did the class it made me happy to see her but I also felt a little sad because even though she makes me happy I can never make happy not truely after all she walks in the light of day while am doomed to walk the dark of night so I walk away back to where me and Blake first met.

Me: "I have seen so many people come and go but I must remember I will never beable to give them what they want as is my curse".

I walk over to a bookshelf Ozpin made for me and take a book from it and start to do a little writing as I sat in the shade away from the light.

The Book

A rose young but fair smells sweeter than honey as morning breeze blow and rays of sun light it's growth never touch only watched, A snowflake colder than ice but softer than cotten as the cool of winter follows to greet the warmth of summer, The yellow dragon full off rage in this age protects it's home with sharp teeth, razor claws and a gentle soul, A drip of black and white makes harmony as light of the sun dances and dark of the night guides as the beauty of day care for the beast of the night.

A knight scared yet strong lacked of guidance finds the way with the support of the star, the brute and the ninja and the knight no longer scared hold his word up high and gives his war cry, The brute of force with hammer of thor and the strength of an army but not without compassion following the knight to battle of struggle and over coming the hearts trial, A ninja stealthy as a shadow but strong like a beowolf picking his weapon to strike fast and true to never see that he protects fall to ruin under the stress of time, The star that shines brighter than a Beacon finds it's knight and guides his path to victory never letting it's glow fade from veiw.

Book ends
Author: I'm so sorry about this crappy poety but I do have a little challenge can anyone see the hiden teams within this please comment your answers and enjoy back to the story.

As I finish writing I close the book and place it back on the shelf as Blake came up the stairs and she sees me sitting down by the bookshelf.

Blake: "What you doing?".

Me: "Just a little writing it's been my hobby for the past hundred years but enough about me I saw you in class it looked like you were enjoying it".

Blake: "It was ok but I find speaking with you more interesting would you like to join my team for dinner".

Me: "Sure".

We leave the tower and head to the cafeteria little did I know someone was actually wth me while I was doing my writing and takes the book as I me and Blake arrive at the cafeteria all of the students begin to stare at me as I walk with Blake over to her team.

Ruby: "Glad you could join us [First name]".

Me: "I'm only here to join you since I don't eat and I don't think people would enjoy seeing me drink a glass of blood".

Yang: "I understand but still it's not right how they look at you".

Me: "It's fine they have a right to their own opinion besides you have all been kind to me since I exposed myself to you and that's enough for me".

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