Season 2: Into The Unknown

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In the last chapter you discovered a whole new power but now face an even more difficult challange Blake's parents.

To you

Blake's dad: "So you managed to escape Beacon that's good".

Blake: "I might not have been here without [First name]".

Blake's mom: "And I'm thankful tell me [First name] what do you see about us Faunus?".

Me: "I see a race which has been given nothing but injustice because of their appearance but I also see a race that has had to go through many hardships and through time many of this wonderful race have twisted their views and see only hatred as the answer".

Blake's parents seem impressed by my deep understanding as I watch Blake's mother get up and head to the kitchen as I offer to help her set up for dinner I'm look that I can still eat normal food or I would have trouble.

To the kitchen

Blake's mom: "So you tell me what is your relationship with my daughter?".

Me: "Miss Belladonna I have no idea what you mean I am just her friend".

Kali: "Call me Kali and I wasn't born yesterday I see the look in your eyes it's one of passion and love so tell me".

Me: "I love her very much I was afraid if I told you this at the start that you might hate me because of who I am".

Kali: "We know your the bloody king but times have changed and I'm sorry you felt this way but know we would never hate you after all I can see you make my daughter very happy".

I nod as we walk out of the kitchen and set the dinner on the table before sitting down and keep talking as we eat but for some reason I couldn't shake this strange feeling that surrounds the town as we finish dinner I excuse myself to get some air allowing Blake to have time with her family but I head into the forest and look around.

Me: "Everything seems normal but something is wrong".

As I continue looking I soon come across some claw marks most likely a Beowolf but they were larger than normal which means it an alpha however I soon see some more and as I look at all the claw marks it told me there was a pack of around a hundred Beowolves but something was still puzzling how can one hundred alpha's work together it should be impossible as I walk in the direction of the claw marks and find them in a large open area.

Me: "No doubt these are Alpha Grimm but which one leads them because this should be impossible".

As I look around to see which one leads the pack a strange Grimm catches my eye because this one was not an ordinary Grimm it stood on two legs and look humanoid.

Humanoid Grimm

Me: "What the fuck is that?"

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Me: "What the fuck is that?".

I was about to head back to get some back up but the strange Grimm vanished before I feel it's presence behind me and I'm soon knocked into horde of Grimm as I watch it walk down the towards the horde and lifts his sword as I see them all surround me before it lowers the sword and the Beowolves pounce.

Me: "Come on then".

I start taking down every Grimm that comes with in my range I flip them bfore crushing their skull I even jump to avoid an attack which came from behind and hop on the Beowolf and suplex it and crushed it's skull and one by one the one hundred Grimm became nothing but I was out of breath as I look at the strange Grimm.

Me: "Looks like your the last one so come at me".

As I said that the Grimm rushed forward with it's sword forcing me to dodge but it was not giving me any space to counter as I'm soon backed up against a tree but as I dodge it's strike I see it burn the tree as it passed through telling me the blade was dangerous. After it turns round to look at me I see it swing it's blade and shoot out a blast of fire which I take as I don't have time to dodge ut the force of the impact sent me flying into the town where the strange Grimm came to as it stood down the street.

Blake: "[FIRST NAME]".

Me: "Stay back I will deal with this".

The Grimm rushed past me and I see it was going for Blake and her family and I rush with all my strength and change my cross into it's demon sword mode and summon my mask before blocking the strange Grimm and shove it back as I look at her and her family but I soon see the fear in their eyes but turn my focus the this Grimm.

Me: "Stay away from them".

I rush forward taking the Grimm by surprise before slashing upwards but it manage to jump back but I also have a little attack of my own as I charge up my aura as the Grimm charged at me only this time I focus the attack into a single slash and send my slash attack towards the Grimm as I see it get sliced in half while leaving everything else untouched.

Me: "Now die".

I was about to turn away until I was shocked at something that the Grimm did it was put it's self back together like my attack did noting so I rush in and punch it however it's armour was tough and I didn't even dent it before I feel the Grimm punch me to the ground and stamp on me over and over before turning it's focus back to Blake but I grab it's leg and look at it.

Me: "I told you to stay away".

I stood up and slam the Grimm into the ground but I soon point my horns towards it but as I feel my aura charge up in my horns I knew the damage would be destructive so I quickly toss the Grimm high into the air and shoot out a beam which explodes on impact and was huge as the Grimm was turned to ash by the force of my attack.

Kali: "My goodness what power".

Ghira: "Indeed".

Blake watched as your mask shatters and your demon sword turns back into the cross before you fall to the ground which made her run over to you but as she held you she soon noticed you wouldn't wake up no matter how many times she calls your name before her parents bring you inside and place you in the guest bedroom as Blake explains to them what just happened.

Ghira: "I see so this power he has is still new to him and from the sounds of it he must have over did it with that last attack".

Kali: "Lets see how he is in the morning if nothing changes I'll have a doctor come and check on him and Blake if you want to stay near him that's fine".

Blake nods before leaving her parent and heads to your bed side and waits and hopes you wake up.

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