Even Villains Love Their Kids

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I wonder what my friends are doing right now

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I wonder what my friends are doing right now. Perhaps they were looting something or chopping off someone's fingers. They were probably doing something fun while I'm stuck here looking longingly at a picture of them.

"Get up, stop looking at that," Mal snapped. "Hey," I whined as she snatched the picture out of my hand. "You missed two classes, get up," she ordered. I rolled my eyes, "I never went to class before," I shrugged, "why should I start now?" She threw a shoe at me. "Ouch!" I yelped. "Put these on," she demanded throwing the other shoe.  I grumbled as I slid the boots on and followed Mal out the door.

"I don't see the big deal, it's just class," I reasoned. "The big deal is that Mom told me to keep you in line and you're making it difficult," she said adding a glare for good measure. I scowled. I don't need to be kept in line, I'm not a baby. "Don't give me that look," she said dragging me through the hall.


"You know you didn't have to come," Carlos told me. "Mal said she didn't want us alone with them for too long, especially in the woods," I explained, "I don't blame her." Carlos smirked, "Always the mother hen she is," he laughed. "Hardly," I scoffed, "Mother tasked her with watching me, making sure I'm taken care of." He smiled, "I'm sure that's part of the reason, but I know part of it is done on her own accord," he assured me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked sending him a weird look. "She wants to watch out for you," he explained. I scoffed, "Yea right," I laughed and we walked further onto the field.

"Val!" I whipped my head around to find Audrey calling me. I groaned. That girl just won't let up! "I was thinking it's time we catch up, how do you feel about shopping?" She asked. "Can't, no money, and even if I did I already have plans," I said bluntly. "You can go if you want, I'll cover for you and I'm sure Ben and I will be fine," Carlos tome. "Great," Audrey said in an overly sweet tone. I glared at Carlos who sent me a smug look as Audrey proceeded to lead me off the field.

"So I'll bet you're glad to be back home," Audrey said. "Back home?" I asked. "Yea, with your mother, have you spoken to her yet?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow, "Yea, we've spoked," I told her. "Spoked?" Audrey asked,"that's a silly word." I rolled my eyes. Auradonians are so annoying!

Our conversation lasted longer than I would've liked with her blabbering on and on about royal gossip as if I'm supposed to care. Doesn't she know I'm a villain now?! I rolled my eyes as I stomped my way back to the field just in time to see Carlos get chased by what looked like a deformed hell hound. Where are the extra heads?!

"Carlos!" I yelped chasing after him, "Carlos wait!" He was already gone. "Fuck!" I gasped, "fuck fucking fuck!" I sprinted without stopping until I saw him in a tree. "Restrain the beast!" I ordered and Ben slowly scooped the animal off the ground. "Have you never seen a dog before?" He asked. "Not beside Cerberus and Silas," I explained. "Silas?" He asked. "My hell hound," I answered. "Cerberus reproduced?!" He gasped. "Of course he did, one of the heads is a girl," I explained turning to Carlos.

"Get down from there before you fall!" I demanded. "Not with that beast there!" He pouted. "What him?" Ben asked, "he's cute." "It's repulsive," I sneered, "but completely defenseless." The last part was my attempt at getting Carlos down. He's going to get himself hurt if he's not careful.

"It's a vicious rabid pack animal, mother told me and you know she never lies," Carlos yelped. "Nonsense," I deadpanned with my arms crossed, "Cruella is the 4th most lyingest person I've ever met." Carlos rolled his eyes, "She's not that bad," he said. "I never said she was bad, she's like a desperate goblin it's quite revolting, but not necessarily bad," I clarified. "Very eloquent for a 14 year old who can't tell time," he huffed. "I don't need to tell time, I am time," I argued. "You're horrible at time, just admit it," he scoffed. "I'm horrible at nothing, I run on Val time," I told him as I walked off ignoring Ben and Carlos' conversation about the isle.


"Why are we going to the kitchens?" I asked my sister. "Maybe I'm just in the baking mood," she smirked with a rebellious twinkle in her eyes. "As if," I scoffed punching her arm. "She could just be hungry?" Jay shrugged. "You're the hungry one, flabby," I teased. "Oh you take that back!" He growled playfully throwing me over his shoulder gaining a string of laughter from me.

"Take it back! Take it back!" He teased as he bounced me around. "I can't take back something that's true," I said sticking out my tongue as he continues to spin and bounce me around. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Mal, Evie, and Carlos smiling fondly at us. "Do you yield?" Jay asked as he flipped me back onto my feet. I shook my head as I caught my breath. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to work harder," he said as he lunged at me.

I bolted down the hall cackling as he chased after me. I ran until I saw a wall that was uneven enough for me to climb. When I did, I watched smugly as Jay looked for me. I then dropped down and pounced on him. "Oomph!" He grunts as he secured my legs, "you're insane." "I take that as a compliment," I told him. "Way to not draw attention, Val," Mal said as I hopped off Jay's back. I flipped her off and followed them to the kitchens ignoring the many sets of eyes on the five of us.


After searching the kitchen for any hidden spies we got set on baking cookies. We need extra cinnamon," I informed Mal. "We have enough cinnamon, don't let your addiction corrupt my cookies," Mal told me. I stuck my tongue out at her. "Isn't that what the potion is for?" I quipped. She playfully smacked my head in response.

"It says we need a tear and I never cry," Mal frowned. Great, where the hell are we going to find a tear? "Okay so just chop up some onions," Jay shrugged. I shook my head, "It has to be a tear of human sadness, we have to put what it says," I argued. "I don't see the big deal," Carlos said, "it's still a tear." "This recipe gets the best reviews, we have to follow it exact," Mal argued. "A tear's a tear," Jay defended. Evie then put him in his place with big fancy words I couldn't understand. When did she start using her brain? Mal sent me a pointed look and I rolled my eyes. Stupid mind reading!

Before I could call her out, the door burst open and my roommate walked in. Mal quickly tucked her spell book under the counter. I forced a fake smile on my face. Lonnie went on about midnight snacks and ate a piece of the frosting. We were all worried until she started talking about chocolate chips. The word was almost foreign to me, I haven't heard it in so long. "Things are just different back on the isle," I explained. "I know I just thought, even villains love their kids," she said laughing awkwardly.

Love? It was such a foreign concept that I'd almost forgotten it's existence. Does Dad love me? Maybe he does and just has an odd way of showing it. I was so caught up in my musings that I didn't notice when Lonnie left. I didn't notice anything really, not until someone flicked me in the head. "Carlos!" I growled. "Ahhh!" He screamed running out of the room. I chased him all the way to my dorm where he was hiding in my bed. Why hides in another person's bed? That's a terrible hiding place! I then took great pleasure in putting Lonnie's makeup on him, without her permission of course.

We had such a great time that I had almost forgotten about what Lonnie said. Almost. Of course the disgusting thought snuck into my head just as I was about to get some sleep. It kept me awake all night, naturally. This, of course, led to me looking at pictures of Harry. Ben refused to let me send letters to him. He said I had to focus on moving forward, which is stupid as you can't have a future without the past. It's probably just because his brother likes me. Well jokes on him because I definitely don't like him back! I mean me and Josh? As if! I'm gonna see Harry. I'm gonna go back. And most of all, I'm gonna get the wand!

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