Chapter 29 : Chained to our fate?

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The next morning, Yume got up with a heavy heart. The events of the previous day were running through her mind relentlessly, especially the end of her friendship with the red head. The bright sun had given way to grey rainy clouds. And it undermined her even more when she saw Gaara giving her an icy look without even a hello before simply avoiding her.

Kankurô and Temari put their hand on her shoulder. The girl with the fan knew everything, too. Like the big sister she was, she supported her dear friend as best as she could. Seeing her lower spirits, Naomi and Johana hugged their teammate, hoping to cheer her up too.

Everyone then prepared for the test and the upcoming mission. The mission... The Amai shuddered at the thought. She had been afraid of it since the first time she heard about it... How was she going to handle the situation? Despite Kankurô's words the day before, she wasn't reassured. She couldn't calm Gaara down if Shukaku ever get out of control. So this mission came to her as an insurmountable wall.

Suddenly, the thought of the fight with Naruto and Neji popped into Yume's head. And a smile blossomed on her lips. Maybe she was going to have fun with the blonde energy ball during this fight? Besides, she had some things to settle with the Hyûga. So she decided to focus on it and to join the others with a smile.

Everyone then set off for the stadium where the third test would take place. Yume remained silent at the back of the group, focusing on her upcoming fight. A hand suddenly came to grip her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

- May I ask you what you were doing with Kankurô last night? The Amai gasp at the sound of the voice, which was none other than Gaara's.

- Huh?! Er... Why do you care...? She asked fleeing his gaze, too cold to her.

- Answer.

- Will you answer my question?

- Answer.

- Oh okay... If you want to know everything... we were talking about... you...

- Okay, fine.

- So why do you ask?

- It's none of your concern, Gaara answered before simply walking off to join the group, leaving the Amai alone.

- Very nice... she said before continuing her way as well.

Once they arrived in the stadium, they could see that the audience was ready as well as the participants. Well, almost all of them. Naruto was one of the absent fools as well as Sasuke. Yume was worried that the blonde boy wouldn't arrive and stared at the entrance of the arena fidgeting with her necklace.

But when the beginning of the festivities was announced, she had to look at the assembly and remain upright. That's when a high-pitched scream was heard, and an orange flash burst in the arena yelling like crazy that a horde of bulls would invade the stadium. Yume chuckled at the scene. Naruto then joined the line formed by the participants.

- I really thought that you weren't coming, Yume whispered to him. I was worried!

- Don't worry princess, even half dead I won't let you down, ya know ! Naruto replied to the Amai revealing his bright smile.

Gaara cleared his throat and glared at the two blondes, looking annoyed. Both replied by an embarrassed smile. Yume turned her attention back to the roof of the building in front of them, where she saw the lord Kazekage arrive. Yume felt something strange when she saw him. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it was something that didn't bode well for what was to come...

- Before we get started, take a good look at the table, we have made some changes, the examiner said showing the table.

Indeed, due to Dosu's death, Temari, Naomi and Shikamaru had to fight each other. These changes surprised the Konoha ninjas who were wondering why Dosu have been removed from the table. The memory of the sound ninja's murder came back to Yume in a flash, making her shiver.

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