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"Y/n! Wakey Wakey!" The high pitched voice called as the h/c haired girl opened her beautiful eyes.

"Paimon be quiet, don't yell at her be gentle." The blonde scolded his travel company.

"Aether? Paimon? What are you guys doing here?" Y/n asked before quickly sitting up. "Is there a problem? Is someone in trouble?"

"No no! It's okay, everything is okay. We were just wondering if you wanted to hang out today." Aether reassured. "I was going to wait for you to wake up, but Paimon rushed in before I could stop her."

"Paimon was too excited! There's a market going on in the city! She wanted to bring you with us!" The energetic floating girl exclaimed, flying around in a quick circle.

"Alright alright, just step out so I can get changed and we can do this." Y/n yawned, sitting up and stretching her arms. Her shoulder making a popping sound as she raised them up.

"Alrighty, come on Paimon." Aether grabbed his friend and dragged her out, leaving her to her privacy.

She stood up and slipped her clothing off, walking over to her draws and choosing her new outfit. She decided to go with a pair of black leggings, a f/c long sleeved shirt and a grey hooded cape. After getting changed she slipped on her combat boots and stepped out the door, seeing the two bickering in the hall.

"Are you guys ready to go?" She asked catching their attention, they jumped and quickly turned towards her.

"Of course! Let's get going before all of the freshest food is sold out!" Paimon cried racing out the door leaving the two to themselves. Aether shook his head with a smile and they started to follow behind.

"So what were you two fighting about?" She asked, walking alongside of him as they stepped into the sun.

"Oh! That was... That was nothing! I was just trying to calm her down, she's very excited about today." He explained, his checks dusted with a light pink as he avoided eye contact.

"Alright then." She frowned, her confusion rising at the strange behaviour coming from her friend. "So what's been happening? Anything interesting?"

"Well, I was a part of the resistance, which is trying to stop the Vision Hunt Decree." He began. "The Vision Hunt Decree is where people are having their visions taken under the order of the Raiden shogun. But while we were in the resistance camp, we discovered that someone is handing out fake visions that are draining people's life force. And... it was the cause of a friend's life. So I'm going to stop the person making them."

"Wow." She grabbed his hand, feeling bad for him after hearing him unload all that. "I'm sorry about your friend, I know that you'll be able to bring this person down."

Her thumb caressed his knuckle as his grip on her hand tightened, a small smile painting his features as he glanced up at her. "Thanks Y/n, I'm glad you think so."

"Hey there you are! Paimon's been waiting for-" The small floaty creature stopped as her eyes landed on their hands, her eyes widening as a large grin spread across her face. "You guys are holding hands! That's so cute!"

"Paimon. Don't make such a big deal out of it." Aether scolded.

"Yeah I was just comforting him Paimon calm down." She admitted, quickly sliding her hand out of his and stuffing it in her pocket.

But to her surprise there was a cold and hard item inside, she quickly retracted her hand and almost slapped Aether in the face. After multiple quick apologises, she slowly reached back in and grasped the cold item and pulled it out.

There laying in her hand, was a pyro vision. The gold frame around it shimmering in the sun and the red burning centre let off warmth, a feeling that made her feel safe.

"Whoa! Y/n Paimon didn't know you had a vision!" Paimon exclaimed, flying close to get a better look.

"Neither did I. This is the first I've ever seen it." She replied, not taking her eyes off the beautiful stone in front of her.

"Let's celebrate!" The energetic girl cried dragging the two closer to the city.


"Finally. Everything is going to plan." Scaramouche muttered to himself. "I will finally have what I desire! I will finally have the power that is rightfully mine! The respect I deserve!"

Slamming his cup down on the desk in his room, he then glared harshly at the floor in sorrow. "If only you were here to share it with me."

Interrupting his thoughts, a knock came to the door as one of his workers revealed themselves from the other side. "Lord Scaramouche, I have an update on the Traveller."

Scaramouche turned around with a look of disgust. "Well? Spit it out already!"

"R-Right, well he was spotted not long ago with someone we assume is his lover." He explained, bowing their head. "They're heading towards the market as we speak."

"I want the traveller here and I want him here now!" After his outburst the sound of a man struggling came to his attention as two more Fatui workers came and threw a man to the floor right in front of the indigo haired male. "What now?"

"We've discovered a rat sir." One of them spoke. "He did in fact infiltrate the shrine. But he retreated and let the Adeptus go."

"I'm sorry Lord Scaramouche. But I will not hurt someone that beautiful and kind!" He yelled, looking up at the now extremely pissed man in front of him.

"Who are you to deny my orders? You think you're fucking special and I won't punish you because you have "good morals?!" I should have your fucking head!" He yelled, grabbing the glass he had previously set down and throwing it to the ground. "You get your fucking ass back out there, and you bring me the adeptus, DEAD OR ALIVE!"

"I refuse!" He yelled back. "Kill me if you will, but I won't take part in something so disgusting! That adeptus isn't like anyone I've met! She still showed me kindness even after finding out my plans!"

The harbinger sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Lock him up, I'll deal with the Adeptus myself."

"No!" Hiroto exclaimed trying desperately to charge at his master to attack, only to be grabbed by the two previous men who had dragged him in. "You won't be able to hurt her! There will be people to stop you! Do you hear me you bastard?!"

Soon enough his cries and threats faded out, Scaramouche turned to the last man in the room, giving him a deadly glare and demanding he get out of his sight. Quickly he scrambled away and closed the door behind him.

He picked up his large hat and placed it on his head, the bells jingling lightly as they swayed. "Looks like I have to make a quick little stop at the shrine before I go ahead with my plans."

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