Chapter 1: Design Your Girlfriend

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Is it possible to "design" a girlfriend like a video game character?

Then you can give her all the attributes you have ever wanted.

She is beautiful, elegant, sweet, and affectionate. She dresses in the exact way that you prefer. Your parents and friends all congratulate you for being together with her.

All you need to know is the programming language of the physical world.

Is it too good to be true? Let us look at a story of a very famous author.

The Ultimate Secret of Wealth

You must live under a rock if you have never heard of Rhonda Byrne.

Yes, she is the bestselling author of The Secret (2006) and its sequels.

Although her claim is highly controversial, The Secret has been translated into 50 languages and has sold over 30 million copies. Together with its film adaptation, it had grossed $300 million in sales by 2009.

However, in the beginning, things were not as smooth as you think.

At one point, Rhonda was within a hair's breadth of bankruptcy.

She charged up all the credit cards. She mortgaged her apartment to the limit. Her company was in debt of millions of dollars because she was making the film The Secret.

Every single day, people harassed her with calls to get their money back.

With her back to the wall, Rhonda put her ideas into a drastic application.

First, let me explain The Secret's philosophy related to money. To receive money, you must be happy when others receive money, especially those who need money the most.

So what did she do? She withdrew several hundred dollars from her bank.

Then she freely gave away her precious money to people on the street.

Remember, she needed that money to pay her rent and company staff.

But she gave it away anyway. Strangely enough, for the first time in her life, she felt so much love for money. It was not the money that made her feel the love, but the act of giving it to other people.

It was on a Friday. She felt so much joy throughout the weekend.

Then, on Monday, something unthinkable happened.

Rhonda had bought shares in a friend's company long ago, which she had already forgotten. Three days after giving the money away, she received a call from her stockbroker that the share price had skyrocketed.

She sold the shares. And she made $25,000 out of the blue.

In her book The Power (2010), Rhonda said the following regarding this:

"I didn't give the money away to bring more money to me. If I had given that money away to get money, it would never have worked. It would have meant I was motivated by a feeling of lack instead of love.

"But if you give money away, and if you feel love when you give it, most surely it will return to you. One man donated $100 that he felt was worthwhile. Within ten hours, he closed the largest sale he ever had."

Charity, or giving with love, is the ultimate secret to endless wealth.

The Four Laws of Karma

This meaningful story illustrates the Four Laws of Karma:

1. Karma is fair. 

In other words, like produces like. You cannot plant a watermelon seed to get a mango. Actions motivated by love always lead to good results for the doer.

2. Karma expands with time. 

A giant oak tree comes from a tiny seed. In the story, Rhonda gave away a few hundred dollars, but she ended up with $25,000 a few days later.

3. Karma never comes without a cause. 

Just as an oak tree cannot come out of thin air, the $25,000 that Rhonda received must come from her kind intention with her money.

4. Karma is never lost. 

You cannot push an oak tree back into the seed. If you have helped people with genuine compassion, good results must come sooner or later.

Now you may say, "But I have also seen good people suffer!"

Have you never seen generous people struggling with money?

The answer is: the intention is vital. People who give money away only to look good or obey their religion, without a genuine feeling of love, are never practising true charity.

In summary, intense love backed up by concrete action is unstoppable!

So, after a long detour, let us return to the girlfriend problem.

The Karma of Love

Karma does not just apply to money. It also applies to relationships.

Whatever people do to you, you must have done to others in the past.

In other words, if your girlfriend annoys you in a certain way, you must have previously annoyed someone else similarly. It may be a small deed back then, but it grew over time and finally manifested as a big trouble.

For example, you yelled at your subordinates at work for some mistake.

Sometime later, your girlfriend went crazy and threatened to leave you.

These two incidents look separate, but they are karmically connected!

In his famous book The Karma of Love, Geshe Michael Roach wrote about it extensively with real case studies. (For those who do not know, "Geshe" is equivalent to a PhD degree in Tibetan Buddhism.)

By now, you must be worrying about the bad things you did in the past.

The bad news is: you can never remove a seed you have planted before.

But there is also good news. While you cannot escape punishment for what you have done, there is a way to ask God to commute or mitigate a penalty. We will talk about this in a later chapter.

Moreover, the law can work both ways, fortunately.

If you start doing good today, you will surely get good results!

In the following chapters, we will discuss the specific karmic seeds required to plant the corresponding qualities in your ideal girlfriend. These qualities include:

1. Beautiful

2. Sensual

3. Sleek

4. Caring

5. Vibrant

6. Loving

7. Receptive

8. Tidy

9. Loyal

10. Healthy

All examples come from Michael Roach's book, The Karma of Love.

Without further ado, let's get ready to create your perfect girlfriend!

How to Create Your Perfect Girlfriend (On The Karma of Love by Michael Roach)Where stories live. Discover now