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Charlotte managed to blow off all the marshmallow men and turn them into melted Marshmallow. 

"Schwoz get over here!" Charlotte yelled.

"Coming!" Schwoz yelled. 

Gozer used the rope she had cut from the machine to lasso Schwoz. She grabbed him and then she threw him a meter in the air. 

"Ayeeei!" Schwoz yelled. 

"Schwoz? What do I do?!" Charlotte asked. 

"Push the pink button and then the blue lever." Schwoz directed. 

Charlotte did what she was told. Another rope wrapped around Gozer's neck. 

"Try not to kill him." Other Ray said. 

"I'll try. Henry c'mon work with me." Charlotte said. 

Gozer continued to scream while her spirit was being pulled out. My body was changing back into normal, but Gozer still had a strong hold. 

"She's too strong. I can't hold it." Charlotte said. 

Gozer was ripping the string off her neck, but the Ghostbusters strings tied her arms away. She yelled. 

"Hold her!" Other Ray screamed as he held the dogs at bay. 

Gozer screamed as she was ripped from my body. I fell breathing constantly. 

"I'm alive!" I yell. 

"Noo!" Gozer said as she and the other ghosts were being pulled into the machine. 

There was a blinding light. 

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