Chapter 4

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Today's the day Mazin's family are coming over and I am freaking out. I haven't seen his family in years, ever since I cut Mazin off. Since our last few family picnics years ago, I stopped seeing them because I was afraid. Afraid of Mazin.

Ding dong!

"Get the door Chère!" Mama yells. "Got it Mum!" Amina shouts. "You continue getting dressed." She said to me, smoothening her Hijab and walking out my room. Just then, sounds of laughter and salams pop in. I'm almost finished, I've just got to finish up my makeup. I'm in a red floral blouse with black flair pants and a matching Hijab. For makeup, I have a bronzed eye and bold red lip. After applying some lipgloss, I stare at the mirror.

Who are you kidding?  You haven't seen the family in years! What would you say to them? What would they reply?

"Manal, let's go, they're here!" Ahmed urges me. I nod and follow him down the stairs. I plaster the best smile I can. I scan the room but don't see Mazin. Alsalamulaikum Auntie." She returns the Salam and gives me a hug and kisses on my cheeks. I then shake hands with Mazin's dad and give his sister, Yumna a hug. Yumna's about Amina's age and always looked up to me. When we were younger, she'd always ask if she could tag along with me. "Manal! It's so good to see you." I return the smile. "I've missed you too Yumna, how's school?" And from that, we break into conversation.


I know we've been through so much, but you need to know the truth-

There's a knock on my room door. I quickly slip the paper I'm writing on in my work satchel. "Come in." Yumna appears at the doorway. "Hey, Mum's calling you. She says we're leaving for the Mahmoudis' house." I glance at the clock. "You guys go ahead. I need to do something real quick." She frowns. "Do what?" I wave her off. "Just a bit of work, that's all. I promise not to be late, ok?" She nods and after a few minutes, I have the house to myself. Sighing deeply, I take my paper back out and continue writing.

I knock on the Mahmoudis' door and Manal answers. She smiles slightly. "Alsalamualaikum Manal," I say beaming a bit too much. "May I come in?" She lowers her gaze and smiles to the ground. "Of course," Manal mumbles. I say my Salams to everyone around the house and plop down at the dinner table beside Baba and Manal's dad. As we're eating, he brings up a topic out of the blue. "So, Mazin, are you thinking of marriage?" I almost choke on my water, but cover it up by clearing my throat. "No, not really." I simply smile to be polite to Uncle. He returns the gesture and we continue eating in over lapping chatter. After dinner, we have coffee. But after a bit it's time for us to go home.

The next morning, I wake up late for work. "Sorry I'm late," I exclaim as I walk into Manal's office. But she isn't there. "Manal?" I shrug, set my things on my desk and head to the lounge to get a coffee for the both of us. I could really use breakfast right now. As I'm making my way to the lounge, I hear Manal shout whispering. "Mia, I hate him. He has absolutely no right to come back into my life! It's simply cruel and that's what he is; black hearted. God damn black hearted, Mia." My blood stops cold. My eyes feels hot and a lump forms on my throat. I'm not one to cry, but now, I feel the pain.

Forget breakfast.

I march back to the office, snatch my satchel, and walk out. "Oh! Mazin, you're here. I was wondering why you didn't show up." I turn on my heels and there she is, flawless and glowing more than ever. But my face was dull, empty, and no emotion showed. So I slick my hair back and leave. "Mazin! Mazin wait, where are you going?" She yells and follows after me. I get annoyed so I finally turn around. "Sorry, Manal, I wouldn't want to disturb you with my presence since I have absolutely 'no right to come back in your life', huh?" She stares at me blankly. "Mazin, what's gotten in to you?" I stare up and chuckle. Then I get into my car and drive off. Far away till dusk.

"Light me up a stone. Mint," I say, handing the waiter a twenty dollar bill. "Don't forget the tea." He walks off and I pull out my phone. Just then, I get a call from Yumna. Immediately, I decline. But as she keeps calling, I give up and answer her call. "What do you want, Yumna?" She scoffs. "Now you pick up? Where are you, Mama's worried." The waiter arrives with my tea and shisha pipe. I take a long drag, then answer. "Out." Again, my sister scoffs. "Mazin. I'm serious. Brandon called Baba and asked where you were today." I roll my eyes and bow my head back. "And what do you care?" "I care because I'm your younger sister, Mazin. You are and always have been my role model," Her words cut in deeper than a knife. I gulp down hard. "So where are you?" Yumna's tone is getting impatient. "I just needed to get away from my work life for a bit." She laughs and says, "Baba pulled so many strings for you to get this job, and you're taking a break just because 'you feel like it'? Really, Mazin? You're so ungrateful." Then she hangs up the line. I sigh deeply and jam my phone into my pocket. After finishing my pipe and gulping down the last bit of tea, I check my watch.

6:32 P.M

Time to head home. When I get there, Baba's sitting in the living room with a cross look across his face. Mama's there too, not a peep comes out. I have a feeling she's not going to take my side this time. "Where were you, Mazin?" I hang my coat up start about to walk away. "Answer the question Habibi (my love). Please." Mum begs. Her tone is so soft, I can't resist answering. But nothing can explain the mix of sadness and anger I feel in the moment. The girl I've loved, but hurt for so long doesn't even want a hint of me in her life. So I cook up my "greatest response" for my parents. "I'm very tired and need to rest," And after choking back tears, I walk up the stairs to my room, making sure to lock the door. I slip into my pyjamas and sit at my desk. There was the note I wrote for Manal. I thought things between us could be different. I thought maybe she'd see a different side of me. I wanted her to love me back. I wanted to make things better. But things have just turned so much worse.

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