Chapter 10

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Harris was gone. Manal left to the lounge to be alone, so I had to break the terrible news. I wanted to go see how she was doing, but Mia advised me not to. Just then, my phone rang. "Alsalamulaikum Mum." I could feel her smile through the phone. "Waalaikumalsalaam Habibi, where are you it's getting late? And how'd the operation go?" I bit my lip nervously. "It went fine, Alhamdullallah," I fibbed. "I'll be a bit late tonight. Have dinner without me." After a while of just sitting around, I got up and left to my cubicle in Manal's office and to my surprise, she was there. Her head went up from her book as soon she saw my shadow. "Hey," She smiled weakly. "Hey. What are you reading?" I ask, leaving the office door open out of respect for her and Allah. She gazed softly and picked her book. It was the Holy Quran. "Every time I deal with the loss of a patient, I try and read it to get my mind off of reality." After an awkward silence, I clear my throat. "Well I was just leaving the office, do you need anything before I leave?" She gets up from her seat and stands before me. "No Mazin, you take care. Thank you for everything, really. I'm sort of glad time brought us back together." Suddenly, I feel like my legs freeze in the spot and I chuckle. "Me too Manal, me too." My smile keeps me warm and my legs melt out of place. I walk out of the hospital in slight joy.


"Well I was just leaving the office, do you need anything before I leave?" He cares about me. After loosing Harris in the operation room, it was too hard to talk about my feelings or break the news, so I asked Mazin to. Dealing with the loss of a patient, especially one like Harris, is hard for any doctor. But Mazin composed himself and kept wanting to check in because he cared about me. I rise from my seat and walk towards him. "No Mazin, you take care. Thank you for everything, really. I'm sort of glad time brought us back together." I could feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Maybe Mazin wasn't all that bad. Maybe people really could change.

That night as I went home, I couldn't stop thinking about him. After all those years, we were reunited and might have even developed a friendship through this heart operation. "Come in," I said, responding to the knock on my bedroom door. "Alsalamulaikum Baba." I said, getting up to hug him. "No, no, lie down Chère, it's ok. I heard you come in and wanted to check up on you. How did the operation go?" I sigh deeply and explain everything. "How did Mazin feel about it?" He asks. My eyes light up as I talk about him. "He was upset too, but he kept checking in on me which was sweet." Baba holds my hand in his and looks me in the eye. "Manal, he's a good man. Have you been thinking about your feelings for him?" I want to protest, but I no longer can. I might have fallen into this rabbit hole they call love. But it all feels so bittersweet and strange, finding you change unexpectedly. "I think he feels the same way I do. But he's just waiting for the right moment." Baba smiles and kisses my forehead. "Well I just want you to know that I approve of him and he's changed for the better. He cares about you, Mina."

The next day at work, Brandon calls me to his office. "Yes, Doctor Brandon?" He motions for me to sit. "I know that it can be hard dealing with a patient's death," He begins. I slide my glasses up the bridge of my nose and avoid contact with him. "But I want you to know that it's going to be ok and it's not your fault. It was a fifty fifty gamble Harris was going to get better. You gave it your best shot, eh," I nod and smile softly. "Ok, you can go back to your office now." Before I leave, I thank him. "Thanks Brandon." He was always more like a friend than a boss to me. As I'm walking out, he chuckles and yells, "It's Doctor Brandon!" As I walk back to my office, I intersect paths with Mia. "Oh my God, I've missed you! How've you been!" She sets aside the coffee and papers she's holding and wraps me into a big hug. "Actually, I've been better, Alhamdullallah. And I've missed you too." After chatting and catching up some more, she invites me to her engagement party. "It's about time! I've been waiting for you guys to have one!" I exclaim. She gives me more details, then we part ways. As I walk into the office, I greet Mazin. "Hey," I say playfully. He smiles and goes back to what he's doing. "Mazin, what's up, why aren't you answering me?" He chuckles. "Nothing, I'm just packing my things." The smile on my face fades. He's leaving? "You're leaving?" He sighs deeply and turns to face me, stroking his chin. "Yeah, Manal, I'm leaving. The operation and mentorship is over now. I'll finally be out of your way-'' I cut him off. "That's not true Mazin. Please stay. I want you to stay." I want to hold his hand, but I can't. When he doesn't respond, I storm off to Brandon's office. I knock firmly. "What was that?" I ask. "What was what?" He asks looking up from his papers. "Why is the mentorship over? I am the mentor. I didn't request for it to be over yet. Why did you end it?" I don't even notice my fuming anger. "Doctor Mahmoudi, I didn't end it. He requested for it to be over." Suddenly, I'm puzzled. Why would he?

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