Chapter 14

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I'm in my room, straightening my bow tie when Baba walks in. "Alsalamulaikum, Dad, how are you?" He chuckles and pats my shoulder. "Well, a mixture of happiness, because of your happiness," He starts. His face drops into worry. "But Mum and I are going to miss having you around." Baba grabs me and then wraps me into a firm tight hug. "I know Baba, I know. I never thought I'd say this, but I've finally crawled out of the nest, huh?" We both chuckle. "Mazin, you haven't only crawled out of the nest, but you've definitely flown. You've turned your life by a full 360 and I am more than proud of you, Mazin." Tears start to pool in his eyes, but my dad takes his handkerchief and wipes them away. He sniffles, pats me on the back one last time and leaves. After a few minutes of being by myself, Khalid, my best man, walks in. "Hey fam, you ready?" I flinch, startled. "Yeah, yeah, almost. Have you rounded up the rest of the lot?" I ask. I grab my Dior Sauvage cologne and take a few spritz. "Bro, don't sweat it! I've got this all under control. I got them all out of the hotel room and they're out waiting for the limo," He gets a notification and holds his phone up. "And according to this text, it just pulled up." We both smile. "Alright, let's go then."

In the limo, the boys crank some music on and we're all singing along and taking pictures. Suddenly, I get a text from my bride. I smile while reading the text:

Manal: Is it normal that I feel nervous for today?

Mazin: Aren't the bride and groom not supposed to talk or see each other until the wedding party?

Manal: I guess we can make this one exception ;)

Mazin: ;)

Manal: Anyways, answer my question Mazin!

Mazin: Don't worry, I'm nervous too...In an hour or two we'll see each other Inshallah and everything will be fine. That pit in your stomach will be gone

Manal: I can't wait to see you

Mazin: Me too. Are you ready yet?

Manal: No, the makeup artist isn't done yet

Mazin: What?! We're all ready

Manal: By the time you guys get there, we'll probably almost be there...It's a long drive from where you are

Mazin: Ok, see you there, love

Manal: Inshallah

I smile and turn back to my friends, enjoying the car ride. I'm really getting married today.


"Manal, stop moving!" Mia complains. I inhale sharply. "Mia, if there's a problem, the makeup artist can say so, stop stressing me, God." I bury my head in my hands and stand up. "I'm sorry," I apologize to the makeup artist. I turn to Mia and apologize too. "I just need a moment to myself." I walk into Mama's room of the hotel suit. "Mama, can we talk?" She looks up at me from her prayer mat. "Of course," She gets up and pats a seat beside her on the bed. "What's wrong Habibti?" I sigh and let out all of my emotion. "I'm just so stressed. Getting married, it's a big thing Mum. I know it's the day of, but what if I'm not ready for this kind of life, leaving you, Baba, Amina, and Ahmed?" Mama pulls my head into her lap and strokes my hair, softly undoing tangles with her fingers. "When I got married to Baba, I was so flustered!" We both breakout in fits of giggles. "I didn't meet him till the day of. Back in the days when we lived in a small village in Morocco, that's the way weddings went; they were arranged. Now I have to admit, I was excited, but also nervous. We were moving into the city do to his job and I didn't have any family there. All I had was your father," She pauses. "I wasn't sure how my life was going to be, but I put faith in Allah, Subhanahu Wa Taala (The most glorified, The most high). And I put my faith in my family because they approved of him and knew the type of man he was. Baba and I approve of Mazin. He's such a good man and I know he'll take care of you, Habibti."

I go back to the makeup chair and take a seat, apologizing to the makeup artist one last time. "And Mia, I also owe you an apology. I'm so sorry, I've just been so stressed with the wedding and all." She kisses my hand and smiles. "I'm so proud of you, and you don't need to apologize. I just don't want to see you stressed and I wanted to take off as much as I can from your shoulders." I smile. "Mia, you've done so much for me already. Thank you for making me the happiest bride ever." After a few more minutes of chatting, Mia goes and rounds up my other brides maids; Batoul, Amina, and Sahar. I stuck with my four favourite girls in the whole wide world.

We pull up to the drive way in our limo and intersect paths with the boys' limo. "There you guys have been. We've been waiting for a whole bloody hour!" They complain. "Well the bride was getting ready. She deserves to be glammed up on her special day." Mia protests, matter-of-factly. We all chuckle a bit and I step out of the car. Mazin's face lights up as he takes my hand to help me out of the car. "Mashallah," I blush at his comment. "What did I do to deserve you?" He continues. "Ok, ok, ok! Places, everyone, get in your places! We're starting the bride and groom's entrance." Mia ushers everyone. She's taking care of everything today from the cake getting here on time, to the limo picking Mazin and I up after the party. Our brides maids and grooms men get in line side by side and walk into the wedding hall in sync. People cheer and smile as Mazin and I walk in. Comments like "Mashallah, they're so cute," "I can't wait to get married," and "Wow, she looks gorgeous," fill the room. After we take a seat on the wedding throne, it's time to take pictures. Sahar rushes up to my side. "Sorry, I'm just going to adjust your necklace." I smile. "Oh my God, of course, thank you." She adjusts it and hugs me once she's finished. "I'm so happy for you Manola. Wallahi it's crazy; I can't believe you're getting married." I laugh. "Girl, trust me, I can't believe it either. I mean, where has the time gone," We both join in laughter. "You're next!" Sahar blushes and tells me to stop. I take a few photos with my family, then brides maids and friends, and finally, me and Mazin. Just us two. After what feels like three hours of dancing (and almost breaking a heel), it's time to cut the cake. A waiter takes the cake out and hands me a knife to cut a few slices. Mazin gently places his hand over mine and I instantly feel warm and fuzzy. His gentle touch keeps catching me by surprise. We smile at each other and begin cutting. Amina hands me a plate and I put a big fat slice on it (cake is my favourite dessert, and guilty pleaure). Mazin and I both pick up tiny spoons from the table and begin to dig in. He takes a spoonful, I take a spoonful, we link arms, and feed each other. I laugh after I accidentally get some cake on his cheek. I take his handkerchief from his heart side pocket and wipe the piece off. Mazin leans into my ear and whispers, "You did that on purpose!" I laugh and lightly slap his shoulder. I have no idea why I doubted getting married for a second. It's moments like these that make me realize why I love Mazin so much. I know that no matter what we go through (and what we've been through), he'll always be there to make me smile. It only took Allah Subhannahu Wa Taala and time to get us to realize how great we are for eachother. Alhamdullillah.

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