Chapter 12

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The next morning is a bright one. The bees are buzzing, the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping. As I take a seat in my office, I get a text from Mazin.

It reads: "I talked to Brandon, and I applied for a permanent position here at the hospital. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I decided to take a few courses and up my experience a bit more. Until then, we'll have to meet elsewhere than work." with a smiley face.

I smile at the message and don't even notice Brandon come in. "Well somebody's in a good mood." I look up and smile again. "Good morning, Doctor. How's your day going to far." He perks up. "Not bad. Just wanted to let you know that Mazin Abdelrahman applied for a permanent position, here at the hospital." I laugh. "Yeah, what an odd coincidence. He just texted me." "Yeah, honestly, he deserves it. You've worked so hard to get him where he is and honestly, you make a pretty good teacher." I blush at the compliment. "Thanks Brandon." As he's walking out, he reminds me; "It's Doctor Brandon to you!"

After checking up with patients, filing paper work, and running errands throughout the hospital, I'm on my break. I check my phone for the time.


I also see a missed call from Mazin. I call him back. "Alsalamulaikum." I say as cheerfully as I can. "Waalaikumalsalaam, are you ok? You seem tired. Long shift?" I chuckle, exasperated. "Yes, very tired. Also, Brandon talked to me today. He told me all about how you applied for a permanent position and guess what? He has so much faith in you! And he also said it's all going to pay off because of my work for being an exceptional teacher!" I exclaim. "Anyways, I'm sorry for ranting all about. How'd your day go? Great, Inshallah?" Mazin's voice slides into a cheeky giggle. "What?" I ask. "What's so funny?" After finally convincing him to spill what's going on, he confesses. "I told my parents about us." He emphasizes the "us". I gasp. "Really? And what did they say?" "Mum was over the moon, really excited. Baba was too, but I felt he was a bit...scared, or something like that. I'm not sure. He just seemed hesitant or uneasy." I felt a pang of embarrassment. What if his father didn't think I was right for him? "This reminds me, I should talk to my family too," I remember what he said about his father and add, "But Mazin, that's what dads are like. They're always worried about you, innit. It's normal. It would be abnormal if he didn't feel that way." My feelings about him being unsure of me dissolved. Mazin's family loved me, they wouldn't be.

It's 10:17 and I'm finally on my way home. I park my car in the driveway and as I'm making my way to the house, I bite my lip nervously. Am I really ready to tell my family? Marriage is such a big commitment, not just a piece of paper you sign. It's fully committing to the one you love and making sure you're always there for them. It's being there for them and being a mum, wife, and friend all at the same time. Am I ready to have a career and balance it all while juggling my life around? I open the door and shut it slightly to not disturb anyone. But the living room light is still turned on. "Manal? Habibti, is that you?" Mum pulls me into a hug. "Salam, Mum, how are you. Why aren't you asleep yet?" She points to the TV and smiles. She's watching Hindi dramas and Bollywood movies. I smile.

Typical Mum.

She pats a seat beside her. "Come here, Manal. I need to ask you something." I gulp down, hard. Then I go to sit beside her, giving a little "Mhm?". "Mazin's mum talked to me a few hours ago, telling me that you two love each other and are ready to take the next step. Is this true?" I sigh. "Mama, I don't know where to start. I never thought I'd love him. I hated my life whenever he was in it. but ever since he left, it's been...empty, or something like that. I love him, Mum. I really do." She smiles and pools of tears collect in her eyes. She strokes my hair and kisses my cheek. "I'm so happy that you're happy." I kiss her back. "And I'm happy that you're happy." I lay my head on her lap and we continue talking on when he's coming over to formally propose, the wedding, and the extra little details. I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams, Inshallah.

Fast forward a week later, Mazin and his family where coming over to formally propose. To keep it small and simple, Mazin invited his family (obviously), Mohamed, and Khalid. I had my family and invited Batoul and Mia. We were hosting it at Mazin's, since they're house was much bigger, Mashallah. "I've never seen you this glamorous. You look beautiful, love." Batoul cries. I giggle. "Stop! Your makeup's going to melt off!" We all rejoice in a big hug and continue to chat, eat, and dance for the rest of the engagement party. Everyone was happy and excited for our marriage, Inshallah. The next day at work, I walk into my office while reading a text from Mazin. He's going to swing by the office to buy me lunch. Just as I look up, I'm showered with confetti. Gasping in surprise, I look around and all my co-workers yell, "Congratulations Manal!" I tear up, but Dr. Brandon stops me. "Oh stop it, it's the least we can do for you." After eating some cake and chatting for a bit, he calls me into his office. "Manal, you've been working really hard," I take a deep breath. "And I think you deserve a promotion." My face lights up immediately. "Now don't get too excited, you'll be working a lot more hours. We've currently got an operation booked soon and I want you to lead it." My smile fades. Almost every serious operation I assist in ends in failure. What if this one does too. "When is the decided date for it?" I ask. He looks through his note book. "The date isn't decided yet, but not till a while, so you've got lots of time." I try and contain my excitement, but even that isn't possible. "Thanks Dr. Brandon. Honestly, I've been working really hard and I just know that this operation will be my big break. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I won't let you down." On my way out, he calls out my name. "Don't stress it. You're more capable than you think, Manal. Take the day off, 'kay? Go home, relax." I thank him, then head to my office to pick up my bag and belongings. As I'm gathering my things, there's a knock on the door. "Come in," I say, not paying attention to who comes in. "Hey, did you miss me?" I look up and there he is. I stop cold in my tracks and drop what I'm doing. "Amir? What in the bloody hell are you doing here? You ask for my hand after all the pain you put me through and after I reject you, you've got some nerve to show up here?" He shrugs. "Pretty much." I inhale deeply. "Sorry if I bruised your ego, but we're done, ok? We've actually been done for three years now. Why can't you get over it?" "That's the thing, Manal! I'm not over you! We fell in love with since day one!" He exclaims. I try and compose myself. "I was never in love with you, Amir. I was in love with the idea of love. You fooled me once and I'm never getting fooled again. Plus, I'm engaged, this is wrong. I'm going to have to ask you to leave and move on. You'll find someone better, Inshallah." Amir's eyes eyes shift and turn narrow as he looks at me with anger and confusion. But then his face turns soft and his eyes relax as he shuts the door behind him and walks towards me. "Let's be honest here, Love," He gets closer to me and soon his arms strap tightly around my waist. I try and wriggle out of his grasp but he pulls me closer, his lips inches away from mine. "Let me go, you're mad!" I yell. But nobody will be able to hear me from outside. He continues his haram doings and as I try and try to leave the situation, I can't. My heart races and adrenaline pumps through my veins.

I'm scared.

There's a knock at my door and Mazin walks in. Amir is still holding on to me, kissing my neck. Mazin, fuming, slams the door behind him and rushes over. "What do you think you're touching my fiance, get off of her!" He throws a punch at Amir who turns to him and a fight breaks out. I grip my waist in pain and start crying. "Stop! Stop it, both of you, please! Stop!" But Mazin's and Amir are both blinded by anger and jealousy. I continue to scream and cry, but nothing stops them. Just then the door bursts open and Brandon comes in, yelling at the both of them to stop. After he breaks up the fight and calls the cops. Brandon rushes to my side and comforts me. "Manal? Manal, look at me. What happened?" But I just continue to cry and wrap my arm around my waist. "What's wrong, did you hurt your hip?" I shake my head and bow it down. I'm in too much mental and physical pain to talk to anyone. After law enforcement show up, Mazin, Amir, and I are all taken to the police station. Brandon insists on coming with me for emotional support. When we're there, each of us is taken to a separate room to be interrogated. A tall man in uniform walks into the room I'm in and takes the seat across from me. "Hello Manal Mahmoudi. I'm Officer Gamez and I'm here to help you. Can you please tell me what happened?" And from there I begin.

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