Chapter 7

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Salam Manal,
I hope you're not busy this weekend. If you're not, meet me at Braz-Grill on Saturday at six to talk. If you can't make it, I understand.
- Yours Truly, Mazin

How poetic. A note on my desk? I check my schedule, hoping I'm busy that Saturday. But turns out I'm free. A part of my lights up with excitement, but quickly shuts down. This better be to explain himself.

Saturday at four thirty, I'm getting ready. I pick out a simple emerald green dress with a matching Hijab. As for makeup, I play it soft glam. "Where are you going all dressed up?" Amina asks. "Mazin slapped a note on my desk saying he's inviting me to dinner; completely unromantic, so don't get any ideas." I say, slipping some items into my purse. "Ok, have fun." I smile and give my sister a hug. "Thanks Love." I climb into my car and send Mazin a text.

"On my way. Be there in seven."

Once I arrive, Mazin's waiting at a table in a well-fitted suit. "Hi," I try plastering a faint smile. He returns the favour. "Salamulaikum, how're you doing?"  "I've been better, you?" I ask, trying to find out what this is all about. I don't feel like wasting time. Our waiter takes our order and hands me a glass of lemonade mint and Mazin a peach mock tail. He takes a deep breath and pulls a satchel out.

"I'm sorry, for the way I've been acting and I need to be honest with you, Manal," He pauses and my feelings shifts to confusion. "That day, the day I stormed out, I overheard you talking to Mia-'' I cut him off right away. "So you were eavesdropping." I stated, but immediately regret it. "Continue." I say firmly. "I shouldn't have left so abruptly and I've been meaning to make up everything to you." Suddenly, I feel a pang of hurt, yet hesitation. "Why are you being so nice to me all of the sudden," Then I scoff and smile out loud. "Astaghfarallah (I seek forgiveness from Allah/God), but you made my life a living hell." Mazin takes another breather and pulls a book out of his satchel. "Change of heart, I guess,"

The Eyes Are The Key To The Soul

How did he know? I've been looking for this book for years. Secretly, I want to smile. But that'd show weakness. I accepted the gift and smile faintly. "That's so thoughtful, Mazin. Shukran (thank you)." And we spend the rest of the evening eating and discussing the upcoming operation, which I begin training Mazin on after the weekend. "So if the operation is in a month, I'll try and bug Brandon to let us check out the equipment and I can show you how it works, Inshallah," I stand up and take my purse. "I'm really sorry, I've got to get going. It's my cousin's wedding tomorrow and they're all at our house planning and prepping the bride." I smile and after we say our goodbyes, we go separate ways. While I'm in the car, my mind races and I get butterflies, thinking about the book and dinner. But then I frown. My heart keeps telling me the perfect lie:

You're in love, you're in love, you're in love.

But it's just an illusion, a mirage. We're talking strictly for work purposes. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't even want to know him. And although he's changed, it causes me too much pain to get to know Mazin again. The past is in the past. And it never did me well.


"Happy birthday dear Manal, happy birthday to you!" Manal's eyes light up with joy as she blew her ten candles with a big breath. I smiled, clutching my present bag with excitement. I knew she'd love her gift and was itching to hand it to her. After everyone handed theirs, it was my turn. "Hey Manal, I hope you like it." She took the book out and jumped in joy. "Mazin, how'd you know?! I've been wanting this book for so long!" And then she hugged me. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering harder, faster. And then I felt warm inside. For the rest of the night, I didn't take my eyes off her.

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