Chapter 6

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I woke up early and decided to get a good start on my day. I worked out, and even had time to make a homemade breakfast instead of eating out.

My Avocado Pudding Recipe:

- Two avocados (depending on your serving size)
- Honey (to taste)
- Milk/heavy cream (depending on your wanted consistency)


- Scoop out and pit the avocado. Place it into the blender
- Add as much honey as wanted to sweeten
- Pour milk/heavy cream for desired consistency
- Blend until well combined
- Pour into a bowl and enjoy
- Drizzle some honey and coconut if wanted

I take a scoop of pudding and it melts delicately in my mouth. "What's that?" Amina asks. I jump a bit, startled. "Avocado pudding. Want some?" She takes a spoon and dips it in the pudding, scooping some for herself. "It's delicious." I smile and offer her the rest. "So tell me," Amina starts. "What's the deal with you and Mazin? I heard you and Mama talking last night." I groan and roll my eyes. "You shouldn't be eavesdropping, Amina. But to be honest with you, I'm not even sure."

I pull my car up to the driveway. Today, he'll have to face me. "Good morning Doctor Mahmoudi." I smile at the secretary's usual greeting. As I get to my office, the phone rings. I pick it up. "Hello, Doctor Mahmoudi, how can I help you-'' I get cut off by a bushy voice. "Mahmoudi, in my office. Now." It's Brandon.

I knock the door to his office and to my surprise, Mazin answers it. I gasp silently and frown at him then walk past him to Brandon's desk. "You wanted to see me, Doctor Brandon?" He clears his throat. "Yes. I called the both of you because you'll be taking the next step in your mentorship program. Just wanted to let you know personally but Doctor Mahmoudi, you'll be leading your mentee through an operation." I feel my eyes widen in shock. "As for you, there will be no exceptions of leaving the hospital during work hours. Are we clear?" He asks, turning to Mazin. He nods and Brandon clasps his hands together. "Ok, that's all I wanted to say. You two can get back to work." Mazin gets up to leave, but I stay behind. "Brandon, can we talk?" He sighs and rubs his temples. After Mazin leaves the room, I vent out on all that happened yesterday. "Yes, I heard from the secretary." I sigh deeply. "But Brandon, you don't understand. I can't follow through this 'mentorship program' with some man child. We've had a rocky relationship throughout the years and I don't want to complicate it even more." After back and forth talk, we couldn't find a compromise. So I head back to my office, fuming. I plop onto my desk and phone my secretary. "Hi, can I please have a large double double?" In a few minutes, it's brought up. I've had such a great life and successful career and Mazin's here to mess it all up. Isn't it enough for him that he's hurt me all this time? Now that he's back after all these years, what does he hope to achieve?

Just then, he comes in with a stack of papers and sits in his desk. His presence keeps me annoyed, but I try to ignore him and continue with my paper work. But I'm now at my tipping point. "Why're here?" No answer. "You stormed out yesterday and it didn't seem like you were coming back. So why're you here Mazin?" Still silence. I scoff. "Fine. Ignore me." And for the rest of the shift, to each his own. I'm not even sure how we'll get through the operation together. Either he quits, or I do.


The key to getting over something is to avoid it. Now I'm not saying I don't love Manal. I'll just get over it gradually. If I'm being honest, I do regret leaving her confused in that parking lot. But when she asks why I'm here and talks about why I left, I don't know what to say. I can't just tell her, "I was eavesdropping and you said you hated me," Because she'll deny it all.

On my way home, I drive past downtown and stop at a bookstore. Manal loves books and maybe to answer to us getting back to good terms is an apology. I know she'll never forgive my past actions; I can't. But at least I'll take the first step. I step into the store and the librarian greets me. "Hello, how can I help you?" The woman is short and stubby, but her warm smile shines up to me. I try and think about what type of books Manal used to read when we were teenagers and narrow down the list.

Fantasy, romance, and poetry.

Poetry it is. "Do you have any books on touching poetry? She's also a pretty big romantic." When we were younger, I'd always catch Manal reading romantic novels. She'd always wish her life would be like the characters in her books. But little does she know that it'll be even better.

We were teenagers and one day, my family had come over to visit hers. Dreadfully, I agreed to come after Mum convinced me. When Manal's gaze met mine, she wasn't too stoked to see me either. So she buried her head in a book and started reading. I was fascinated by how one could soak themselves into the pages and never look up. If I remember correctly, it was a book about a girl in high school, trying to navigate her life while getting bullied by a group of guys. That day, I felt something. I felt her pain, hurt and anger. And since then, I just distanced myself from her. I never said another word to her again.

I follow the lady down the aisles and we stop at one packed with books. "She your girlfriend?" The lady asks, smiling. I blush and chuckle. "Oh no. She just means a lot to me," I take a deep breath. "I messed up and I want to make it up to her." The old woman turns back to the shelf and picks out a book. "Not sure if this is the one you'll choose, but it's a good one," She hands me the book, then heads back to her counter. "When you're ready, just bring 'em up to my desk."

The next day at work, we're still not in the talking stage. But at the end of the day, I shoot my shot.

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