Chapter 4

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(Warning, this chapter may be emotional for some people. It was for me and I'm the author :P)

#Draxs POV

Opening my eyes to a bright light shining down on me, I hissed as I sat up. A loincloth was around my crotch, and I sighed in relief to this. How embarrassing... . I looked up to see my father standing there with his arms crossed and narrowed eyes. Oh...shit.

Hanging my head low, I spoke, "Am I in trouble, father?", I asked him, meeting his steady gaze.

He sighed, lowering his arms and coming to stand beside me. "You mated with that human male?", he asked, placing a hand on my shoulder, and meeting my gaze with a soft and somewhat gentle one. I nodded solemnly. He nodded too.

"I don't know what came over me, father... I had just suddenly taken a liking to him. And his screams of release was just so intoxicating...", I blurted, palming my face in frustration.

"I understand, son...I had once taken a liking to a male too...", he started, looking to the wall and frowning. "It was how you came into this world actually", he said, looking back to me.

I froze, staring up at him. "What?", I asked. What the hell is he saying?

He sighed, offering a hand for me to take. I accepted and he hauled me to my feet, before beckoning me to follow him. I followed, and we entered another room. Eric lay on the med table, still unconscious. I walked up to him, and stroked his cheek gently.

"What did you mean, father?", I asked, still facing Eric.

"Your mother, is not your mother"


"You were born through a test between myself and my...lover", he said. I turned to him. Love means weakness in our language. He has weakness for another? A male? His expression was pained and sad. I stepped towards him.

"Lover?", I asked him, tilting my head.

He looked away again, making fists. "He was my life mate...I loved him more than anything, and he had a brilliant mind,", he started, tilting his head up, as if looking to the stars. "I was on a hunt through a thick humid jungle, hunting oomans, when I stumbled across him. He had this brilliant way of killing his prey, trapping them and maiming them, he loved his traps...,", he sighed off, turning to look at Eric.

I watched him as he stroked Eric's cheek gently. He looks so sad.

"And?", I said, wanting to know more.

"We hunted together for three days before rutting in the bloodbath we made. The Ooman corpses scattered around the clearing, bathing us in their blood...", he faded off, smiling at the memory. I came to stand beside him, glade that is was only him and I with my unconscious mate in the room. We needed this private.

He turned to meet my gaze. "We kept meeting in secrecy, not wanting my mate, your mother to know of our relationship. After all I was not only mating with another, but this other was male,", he paused, making a fist again. "She found out, but my lover blamed it on him, telling them that he was forcing me to come and forcing me to mate with him".

He stopped for a moment, turning away and facing the wall. I saw his frame shaking, and his fists to his sides. I lay a hand on Eric's cheek subconsciously.

"The elders at the time named him Badblood and forced him out,", my father started again. I smelt the salt of tears. I looked to him, coming around to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I hadn't seen him for months after that day. He sent me a message to come meet him, and when I arrived he was holding you in his arms...", he turned to face me, a tear miraculously falling from his cheek bone. "He told me, that he had taken my seed, and mixed it with his own son, you are born of two males, and I haven't told you this, because I have no idea if your true barer is alive or not", he finished, closing his eyes and turning away again.

I couldn't believe what he was saying. I made fists before hugging my father toughly. He must be in so much pain right now, not only for losing contact with his true mate, but also having to relive the memories of him, to tell me the truth. Oh father...

He hugged me back fiercely, burying his face in my tresses like a frightened pup. I nuzzled his shoulder, purring, not wanting him in such a weakened state.

"Father,", I started, tightening my hold around him. He pressed his mandibles to my shoulder as 'continue on'. "He may still be alive... perhaps just with the Badbloods?", I offered, pulling away to meet his gaze. His eyes sparkled with hope, and I smiled.

"Mmm", Eric moaned, shifting slightly.

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