Chapter 12

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#Scars POV

   'What are they doing to our Queen?', Hiva asked me. She crawled up to sit beside me as I sat in the doorway of Herrixs med bay on his ship. I flicked my tail, watching him lower a screen to my Brothers exposed stomach.

   'They are trying to find out why Eric is laying eggs', I answered her straightening up as Drax turned to look at us. I hissed in acknowledgment to him, and he nodded before turning back to Eric. Hiva shifted uneasily.

   'Must they have that machine so close though?', she asked, lifting her head a little to try and get a better view. I shrugged, flicking my tail again.

   'As long as no harm befalls Eric. Or then we may have a problem, my sister', I tried to reassure her. I nuzzled her head with mine, twisting our tails together. She purred, nuzzling me deeper, reaching for more affection. 'They harm Eric we kill them, sister', I told her.

   She hissed in glee. 'Perfect! And if not, I'm sure our Queen would allow us to hunt again!', she cheered, jumping to her feet before bounding down the hallway to tell her fellow sisters. I flicked my tail in a disapproving manner. How childlike.

   Returning my attention to my brother on the metal table, I crawled over to the two-legs and lifted myself up to look down on Eric. He greeted me with a reassuring smile. I hissed, scoffing at his antics, before climbing onto the table to sit beside him.

   "Scar,", Drax started, reaching towards me. I hissed in warning, flicking my tail. "You mustn't be on the table. We still need to scan him", he told me. I looked away, before whipping back around to hiss menacingly in his face. He didn't flinch like how I hoped.

   "Scar! Stop!", Eric called, grabbing my wrist. I turned to purr at him, tilting my head to the side in question. "Just go back to the doorway, I'm fine Brother", he assured me.

   'Fine...', I grumbled, earning myself a chuckle from him.

   I jumped down from the table and returned to my former place at the door.

   Having been another two days since Eric's scans, he's managed to lay a few dozen more eggs. Sitting at the corner of the cave entrance, I kept watch over the vast lush jungle a little ways down the cliffside.

   'How much longer must I wait out here brother?', I asked through hive mind.

   After what seemed like a few minutes, he finally replied. 'Come in Scar! Come see!', he called in an excited manner. Leaping to my feet, I whipped around and bolted into the awaiting darkness of our temporary hive.

   Passing a few of my sisters, I made my way through the maze of underground tunnels, before finally entering a large open cave, where Eric sat amongst his many eggs. Slowing down to a soft pace, I carefully make my way to him, and sit down.

   He held in his hands one of his eggs. The very first one actually. He met me with a happy smile, and pulled the egg to his chest. I tilted my head in question before noticing the three flaps on the top shift. Leaning in closer, I watch intently as the flaps open to reveal a larvae.

   It hissed and shifted inside its egg. I froze, focusing on our new hive sister.

   "She's beautiful...", Eric whispered, drawing the attention of Drax by the far wall. I only just sensed his presence, as his eyes never left Eric.

   'This is a new beginning, brother', I told him, watching carefully as he lifted the small larvae out of her egg with one hand. He smiled at my comment, placing down the egg, while bringing his new spawn close to his chest.

   "What do we do now? Stay?", he asked. I looked up to see all three Yautja standing along the far wall. Eric looked at them pleadingly. He is torn.

   "This planet is only full of prey creatures. Hardly a predatory creatures here, Eric,", Duan started, stepping forward. "If you keep your hive here, and it continues to grow...there may be a huge imbalance to this planets ecosystem, son", he finished, coming over to sit beside the young human.

   "Then stay and help me teach them the right way", Eric muttered, luring Drax over, with Herrix on his tail. "It's great here. No predators to harm my hive. Just food...", Eric continued, as he shift to sit in Draxs lap. "Plus they could eat fruit. I'm sure they could", he finally finished.

   The two older males sighed. "Alright, dear,", Herrix chuckled, nuzzling Eric's forehead softly. "We will stay to teach them, and help you learn how to rule your new hive". Eric cried out happily.

(Sorry, short chapter. I'm thinking about ending it soon, then continuing the story through 'RED' and 'the Sapphire Hybrid'. So yeah. Yeah..... anyways enjoy meh lovelies!)

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