Chapter 1

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#??? POV

Looking over the red holographic image of the chiva temple, I watched as three blue triangles made their way into its walls, and make their way through the many maze-like halls, and clashing with the green circles.

Crossing my arms, I watched as the three triangles fought through the hordes of serpents, making their way into the centre room to collect their shoulder blasters. Shifting my mandibles into a smirk, I payed closer attention to my sons signal.

He was the centre signal, leading his hunting brothers through their hunt. Drax is strong. Takes after his mother. I smirked again, watching them encounter another group of serpents.

It's been about half an hour since they began their chiva, and I'm proud of how long they've lasted. I went to turn around and leave for my brothers room, when another signal appeared. A different one. A third signal. A yellow circle appeared, heading right towards my son and his brothers. Accompanied by a smaller cluster of serpents. I tilted my head at this in confusion.

A human? What is a human doing down there in the serpent temple?

Turning on my heels, my grey tresses arching in the air, and my red cape twisting. I left the room, adorning my mask and armour, before weaving through the halls to meet with my brother at the hanger bay. We must investigate this unusual scenario.

#Erics POV

Running through the dim hallways of Scars hive, I held my makeshift spear in hand, while tightening my serpent armour with the other. Following my brother through the screech filled halls, we eventually made our way to the entrance chamber where our attackers are.

Entering the chamber, I froze at the sight of three, 7ft reptilian, humanoids in armour, clashing with my hive mates. Shaking my head, I roared in anger, before running into the mess.

My armour of shedded xenomorph skins, protected me from the spray of their acid blood, while allowing me enough freedom to move, and jab my spear. My spear consisted of a xenomorph tail tip, and a wooden stick, covered in xenomorph shedding again.

Jabbing my spear at the closest attacker, it pierced his side, causing him to roar in pain. He whirled around to face me, freezing for a moment, before lunging at me. Scar came to my aid, tackling the stranger to the side, and pinning him down. Scar went to bite the masked alien with his inner mouth, when a second masked alien threw him off and away.

I roared at the second asshole, leaping at him. He didn't see me quick enough, and I managed to tackle, and pin him down. I lifted my spear, ready to impale his chest, when a loud bang echoed through the entrance hall, accompanied by a bright light.

The explosion sent everyone flying away, and when I managed to sit up, my hive brethren were fleeing further into the hive. I looked back to the bright entrance to the temple, where a few dozen of the same masked aliens stood.

The first three were already on their feet, I hurriedly looked to my left.

Scar lay on the other side of the room, unmoving. I roared again, grabbing my spear, and rushing to his side. I shook his shoulder hurriedly, getting a pained growl from him. My eyes widened, and I had no choice but to lift him onto my shoulders.

Stumbling forward, I managed to get to my feet. Taking a wobbly step forward, I cursed under my breath at how fucking heavy my brother was. I managed three steps before getting pushed to the ground, and pinned from behind.

I hissed and screamed, wriggling under the brute strength atop me. 'FUCKERS!', I thought, trying to grab my spear. A scaled leathery hand grabbed my wrist, while two more hands grabbed my flailing legs, pinning me completely. My second arm crushed under my stomach.

#Drax's POV

After my father saved me from getting speared to death by a HUMAN, I tackled said human after noticing him trying to retreat with a SERPENT.

While atop the human male, I noticed how he was wearing the sheddings of serpents as armour, and that he had also done the same for his wooden spear. Smart human.

He was troublesome though. He was constantly wriggling and flailing, and it took three of us to actually subdue him completely. But how is he here? On this planet that is alien to him? Alive in this hive? Fighting for them...

This human has peaked my interest, and I want to know more. Plus I'm almost certain that his signal is why my father had come down, and interfered with me and my hunting brothers chiva. So the question is...what is this human doing here?

"Lift him up!", demanded my fathers voice from behind me.

I grabbed the human by his oily brown hair, and with the help of my two comrades, we managed to stand him up, with little struggle. We turned him to face my father, keeping him still.

The human hissed, and spat at my father, glaring at my fathers masked face. With my father being an Elder, he had the right of way over all else. And what he says, goes. Keeping my head low, I waited for my fathers orders for the human.

"Kill the serpent", he said, never taking his eyes off the human.

The human saw an Elite step towards the serpent he had tried to save, extending his wrist blades. The human started roaring and hissing, screaming at the Elite who froze at the scene of the frantic human. We were all puzzled at its behaviour towards the serpent.

The human was well built, and toned in colour, with bright green eyes. He froze at the sight of the Elite freezing, but started up again as the Elite stepped towards the unconscious serpent again. I looked to my father, knowing he is interested too.

"Spare it", he said, waving his hand to the serpent. "Take it, and this human aboard for further study", he ordered, turning on his heel, and heading to the forest beyond the temple.

Bowing my head, I dragged the human by its hair, and with the help of the others, we still struggled in moving the human.

I hissed at him, grabbing his attention. He hissed back, baring his teeth, and clawing at my wrist and forearm. I growled at the challenge, throwing him to the ground before grabbing him by the throat. He grabbed my wrist as I lifted him off the ground. He kicked at my abdomen, landing a few strong hits. I smirked at his determined actions.

He only stopped his fighting when two Elites walked past us carrying the unconscious serpent in a net. I watched the human, watch the two hunters pass with his serpent. Anger and worry filled his eyes, and a tear fell down his sweaty dirty face.

I clicked my mandibles, getting his attention again. He began his fight again, managing to land a kick to my head. I let him go as I stumbled back, growling and hissing in surprise and anger. He's going to pay for that!

I chased after the human, rushing past other blooded and experienced hunters, before pouncing on him, and landing in a roll along the grassy clearing outside of the temple.

#Erics POV

Landing on my back with the fucking bastard on top of me, I swung my fists at his face in a fruitless effort to get him off of me. He pinned my arms above my head, leaving me completely exposed under him. His legs had my legs pinned, and I knew I'm fucked like this. I get a closer look at him, he's pretty cool looking.

His skin was a lovely pale amber colour, with molten red splotches and chocolate brown scales and flecks. His belly and chest was a warm cream colour, and his dreadlocks were a deep brown.

He growled at my silence and how I had stopped fighting. I blinked, breaking the trance, before starting up my fight again. I hissed at him, baring my teeth and wriggling under him, trying to free my wrists but to no avail.

He seemingly chuckled at how I slumped, and gave up. Fuck him.

Two more warriors came to this fuckers aid, and helped him restrain me. At this point, I had no more energy. The adrenaline had already run out, and I was exhausted. They might as well just kill me, and get it over and done with.

As I was dragged by the new two warriors I looked down at my marine uniform pants, that was torn to shreds, and most likely stunk like hell. I hung my head low, knowing that these fuckers will most likely just kill me and Scar. So why take us away from our hive?

We were all finally aboard their alien ship, and ascending rapidly. I watched as the temple and hive I knew as home for the past few months, become smaller by the second.

A small metal object ejected from the side of ship, and I leaned forward to peer out the force field of the hanger we were in. My captors allowed me to lean over and watch, most likely curious about why I'm so worried about it.

The object hit the temple, and a large explosion shook the earth below. I roared in anguish, falling to my knees, while tears poured from my eyes. They fucking killed them! All of them!

I shot up, lashing out, and catching them off guard. I tore from their hold, and swiftly swiped myself one of their knives. I lashed out with it, stabbing the green ones stomach, before jabbing at the brown one. They jumped away after being injured, distracting me for a moment, though allowing the same red splotchy one to come from behind, and restrain me.

I screamed at him, kicking my legs, as a new, slimmer brown one, came from the right and injected a needle into my neck. I kept kicking and flailing, though I could tell my body was falling weak. What the fuck did they inject me with?

After a minute or so, I stopped fighting, falling limp in the strong, warm arms of the masked warrior holding me. I fell into the dark abyss of sleep, with the last thing I see was the warrior watching over me.

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