CHAPTER TEN- Unknown City

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Her asking me the question again even though she heard me right annoyed the hell out of me, but still i repeated it again.

"I am going to Rome."

"You can't just go to Rome!" She stud up, looking at me like i have lost my mind.

"And why not?" I stopped to stare at her, lifting a challenging brow.

"Because...because for starters you can't afford a fucking flight!"

"Who says i can't?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I have been saving up for college since like sophomore year in high school."

"No!" She started shaking her head energetically in denial "just slow down for a second and think Dian."

"I am thinking Faye!" I almost scream, walking towards her and grab her hand in mine, looking to her desperately for her to understand my logic. "This could be it! This man, he could be the answer to all my questions, he could know how to get this thing out of me, i can't live like this anymore."

"So you are just going to trash every last dollar you have to book a flight to Italy?"

"If i have to." I nodded.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Honestly? I don't know. All i know is that i need to get this thing out of me and fast."

She sighed, took my hand and looked me in the eye. Her big brown orbs swarming with a look of determination. "Then i am coming with you."

"No!" I did not hesitate my answer, It was not questionable, it was a big fat no! "You are not coming with me."

"Why not?" She frowned.

"This is my thing, i can handle it alone."

"No way. I can't just let you wonder off to some unknown country where you know absolutely no one alone!"

"But you will."

"I will most definitely not!" She looked mad and irritated, but i did not care, i had made up my mind and i was going alone. It was too risky, i do not even know this guy or what might happen if i were to actually find him.

"If you're going, then i'm coming with you".

"Stop being stubborn Faye."

"It's too dangerous," my reasons for not wanting you to come with me exactly. " I can't let you wander off alone, so stop pushing me away and let me come with you."

"Okay fine," i gave in with a sigh.

"Really?" She looked at me quizzically.

"Yes really. I am probably going to need your help anyway, i am just scared something is going to happen."

She smiled softly "if anything happens i will be there to help you get through it" she smirked "i'm not afraid of demons, and anyone that decides to fuck with my bestie deserves a good nock to the head don't you think?" She had a mischievous grin on her face as she played with my Harley bat. I don't even know where she got it from and how she pulled it out.

" baby" i took it from her, gently caresing the hardness of the polished wood. I had been looking for this baby since i woke up and could not find it anywhere. I was so into the DC movie 'Birds of prey (Harley Quin)' after watching it during holi break last winter that i personally had to go get my own customized version from a store in Sharelake cause they do not sell stuff like this here in Randall, and i used my favorite arrogant jerk slash fuck boy Ian Blake to practice Mr Jay whenever i was shit faced mad. I almost broke his arm one time, i swear that kid made me do unspeakable things, he was that irritating.

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