Chapter 2

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Aria was in her house, cooking something delicious. "Mommy, are you done..? I'm hungry.." the five year old girl with a pink hair tugged her clothes. "It's almost done, just wait." Aria answered before looking at her daughter who is much like her

" Aria answered before looking at her daughter who is much like her

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"Okay, mommy.." Alice nodded, before leaving and play outside. There, a girl who looks like Dottore. "Sis! Let's go and explore fora bit! Mommy's busy!" Alice said, giggling however the other twin seemed not too happy about this.


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"Alice.. mom said that we should only stay near the tribe, we can't go and explore, we could easily get worse or worse.." Aries explained, since she's very aware that outside of the tribe, there's nothing but dangerous ones who are waiting to hunt them like a predator and prey. "Mommy told us that she has friends far away from here! Why can't we just go??!" Alice grumbled, while stomping her foot. "We couldn't go anywhere.. what is mommy protecting us from anyway?" Of course they'll never know the reason

As for Dottore, he was in the meeting with the other harbingers. Of course he doesn't pay attention to anything, that was until.. "and this woman had been helping her friends, she can protect anyone. Her name is Aria." Pierro said, making Dottore looked at him

"Aria..? Does she have pink hair?" Dottore asked, as the harbingers were now confused on why he was asking that question. "Are you taking drugs..?" Arlecchino asked him. "No, I'm not. I asked you a question.. does she have pink hair?" Dottore repeated his question

"Yes, she was a threat to the Fatui. We don't know who she working for, but we found where she is. I would give this mission to-" Pierro was interrupted when Dottore said something that anyone would be shocked and surprised. "I volunteered to find her but I'll be keeping her." He smiled creepily. "Is it just me or he just volunteered..?" Childe whispered to Capitano who just shrugged. "Who knows." Capitano said

Back to Aria and her children. Aries and Alice were playing near the forest, they were playing with their ball. "I'm gonna throw it again!" Alice exclaimed as she throw the ball at her sister, when Aries was about to catch it. The ball flew straight to the forest.. "oh no.. it rolled over to the's game over.." Alice said in disappointed.

Aries didn't want her sister to be sad so she went to the forest to get the ball. However just as she found the ball as she was about to pick it up. "Hey kid.. are you lost...?" Aries look behind, only to see Dottore.

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