Chapter 6

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Aria woke up when she felt a light on her eyes. When she slowly woke up, she can see that she was in a bedroom. "My head.. it hurts.." Aria whispered, as she slowly stand up. She couldn't walk properly so she had to grabbed the table while enduring the pain Dottore had done to her.

Just then the door opened, revealing someone she don't recognize. "Lady Aria, your presence is requested by the Jester." It was Sandrone who is being carried by her robot. "I'm not going.. please tell them that I do not want to meet them." Aria sighed, holding her head. "It's not an option, it's an order. You must obey it."

Sandrone's robot grabbed Aria's arm with a strong grip as she was dragged by it. "I don't understand.. just what are you planning.. and my children..?" Aria asked. "Don't worry about your children. You should be worried about yourself, after all it was you who stopped us and worked for the Eleven Spirits." Sandrone explained as they arrived at the meeting

"It is an honor to meet you in person, Lady Aria." Pierro said, as the harbingers looked at her. "Please, get to the point. I want to see my daughters." Aria politely said. "As you know, you were brought here for all the trouble you gave to us"

Aria finally understood that she had to pay for what she had done. "How can I pay for my actions?" Aria asked but she was not expecting that what is going to happen. "By becoming my wife." Dottore interrupted Pierro. "Comrade! This is a forced marriage!" Childe said but then Aria interrupted him

"I'll agree.. if it means to keep my children safe." Aria sighed in defeated. "Good! I'll have our wedding scheduled." Dottore hummed as he leaves the room along with the others except for Sandrone who decided to stay with Aria. "I'm sorry for you being treated this way but I can make it up to you by sewing the perfect wedding dress you ever seen." Sandrone comforted her. "No thank you, I have my own wedding dress." Aria politely declined her offer as she left

Just as she went back to the room where Dottore throw her in. It makes her feel like she wanna punch him but she's too weak then she saw Dottore holding her wedding gown. But how did he get her dress in the first place? Did he went to her tribe just to steal it? "W-what are you doing?! Why do you have my dress?!" Aria said as she runs towards him to get her dress back. "This is the dress you are going to wear for our wedding? Don't make me laugh, this is the most ridiculous dress I ever seen in my whole life. And I have this dress because I ordered the Fatui agent to search around your house." Dottore said

"You have no right to intrude my home! Give me back my dress!" Aria yelled as Dottore didn't care about her begging instead he walked away and stopped when he was now infront of his servant. "Throw this dress and make sure you burn it. I'll have Sandrone to sew my wife's new dress." Dottore ordered then he can hear Aria's cries.

Aria leaned down hugging her legs while crying. "Oh my sweet sweet little wife~" she can hear Dottore cooed. "What's the matter? Are you crying because I threw that dress of yours, hm? Look on the bright side, you'll have a new dress and it'll be perfect for you." Dottore said, wiping her tears. "My daughters..I want to see them.." Aria said

"You will see them again.. after you and I remarried again." Dottore said, before kissing her forehead as he put a necklace around Aria's neck. "This necklace is made from the Snezhnaya's best jeweler. That way, in the eyes of the archons. In the eyes of your tribe. And in the eyes of the Eleven Spirits. You belong to me, including your property." Dottore laughed out

She belongs to me. (Dottore x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now