Chapter 7

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Aria couldn't believe on what he was saying right now. She touched the necklace that is now placed around her neck. "You're selfish.." Aria said glaring at Dottore. "Selfish? I did this so we can be together again! Why can't you just see that I love you!?" Dottore yelled, griping her hand. "You're wrong! This is obsession!" Aria shouted

Just then she was being carried by Dottore as he throw her in the bed. "You don't mind having another baby, do you?" Dottore asked with a smirk and Aria knew what he's trying to do to her. "No! Get away from me, you crazy doctor!" Aria yelled in despair as Dottore pinned her down. "Be ready.. because I'll-" however someone interrupted him by knocking on the door. "Dottore. We need to talk"

It was Capitano who's knocking on the door. "Dottore, come with me at once. We have something to discuss." This made Aria relieved but for Dottore, he was furious that his moment was ruined just now. "Wait here, my soon-to-be wife." Dottore said as he stood up and opened the door. "What is it this time? Can't you see I'm busy..?" Dottore groaned

"You are sent on a mission by the Tsaritsa. There's a person who dares to attack the agents. The report says that he was looking for Aria." Capitano said. "And who dares to do such a thing?" Dottore asked. "someone named Libra..or should I tell more about the details that he is Aria's boyfriend."

This made Dottore full of jealously and anger. "so what if he is Aria's boyfriend!?" Dottore growled as they went to the balcony. "A puny like him will not lay a hand on my wife! Send the soldiers out and patrol every single one!" Dottore ordered. "And once he was captured, bring him to me alive." Capitano could barely see his smirk but he didn't mind that. "If you say so." Capitano said before he leaves Dottore alone

"Boyfriend..?! Hah, I bet that he couldn't even protect that I mention that, I didn't see him near the tribe or anything.." Dottore whispered before he smirked again. "It doesn't matter, soon or later I'll marry Aria and it will be too late for that Libra to get her back.. I have something that could make Aria love me.."

And so he left the balcony, as he passes by Sandrone who is holding a fabric. "*Ahem* I assume that you are planning to make your ex-wife fall in love with you, am I right." Sandrone said but it wasn't a question, she looked at him in the dead eye. "so what if I do?" Dottore said.

"You're just so selfish. This is the first time I've seen you being selfish." Sandrone said before leaving Dottore to do what he have to do

She belongs to me. (Dottore x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now