Chapter 3

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Alice was waiting for her sister when she heard a scream. "Aries!!" Alice yelled causing Aria running to her. "Alice, what happened!? Where's your sister!?" Aria asked panicking when she noticed that Aries was not here. She took noticed that Aries has gone to the forest.

"Oh no.. Alice, stay here. I'll go and get her." Aria said, before leaving to find her daughter. "Aries! Aries!" Aria yelled on the top of her lungs. Then she can hear someone screaming. "Aries! Don't worry, mommy's coming!" The Chieftess ran to the scream only to see her daughter with someone.. "well~ well~ if it isn't my beloved wife.." Dottore said, while holding Aries.

Aria didn't move a bit, not even using her powers. She was afraid that something will happen to her daughter. "Dottore.. don't hurt her.." Aria said, only to make the doctor laughed. "Why should I hurt your daughter.. or should I say.. our daughter?" Dottore said with a smirk on his face. "How did you..-" Aria was shocked that he say that..but how did he know that?

"Judging by this little girl's image. She looks just like me.. don't you agree? She got my genes." Dottore smiled, while holding his daughter's shoulder. "Mommy..? Who is he..?" Aries asked, while looking at Dottore. Of course, Aria didn't told her daughters who their father was.. she was worried that they might set on a journey to find him. "Oh? So you didn't tell her who her father is?" Dottore smirked, chuckling before he bent down to Aries.

"My dear daughter. I am your father." Dottore said. "You're lying!" A voice said as they looked at the direction only to see Alice.  "Alice?! What are you doing here!?" Aria said, panicking. "Mommy! I heard screaming.. so I came here to find you!" Alice explained. Dottore was surprised that he has another made him happier than ever. "Oh it is true." Dottore said, walking towards them leaving Aries. "My love.. I'm sorry for my actions but this time.. things will change." Dottore said, grabbing her hands so she won't escape

"Be my wife again!" Dottore smiled while Aria was shocked to hear that kind of thing.. "Just like old times, we hang out like a perfect couple. We dreamed about having children, and raise them, isn't that what you wanted??" Dottore stated. However..he never expect for her to answer..that he will never ever forget. "No. Of course it was my dream, not ours. You never wanted to because all you care about is your job. I'm sorry but this won't happen again." Aria said, pushing him away then grabbed her children and leaves but before she could

"Aria.. you may moved on..but I am not!" Dottore said, walking towards her and grabbed her hand again. "I'm not letting you go again. After you left, things for me weren't the same." Dottore said. "Hey don't hurt mommy!" Alice yelled. "Oh sweetie.. I'm not hurting her.." the doctor said.then whispered to Aria

Aria did not expect to turn out like this.. "if you don't come with me with our kids.. I'll make sure that I'll burn your tribe..and kill everyone except you and our kids." Dottore threatened her and it's not a bluff.. Aria must choose wisely.. will she listens to him.. or not...?

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