Part IX, Chapter 1. The Underside

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                                                                          –The Underside–

"We will now pass through Purgatory where the lost souls, and the souls waiting their placement in the Ever Realms, reside," Fate said. "Please try to ignore what they say and whatever you do, refrain from touching the walls."

Fate walked down the torch-lit cavern. He was followed by the angels. Raven and Sapphire trailed after them. Behind them walked Hakan and Vince hand in hand. Sires and Marcus bickered over who should go next until Sera screamed at them—they scrambled after the group. Zoë followed in their wake, and the wall re-appeared behind them.

The road they traveled was disturbing, the dirt ever-shifting. Occasionally it grew thin, bubbling like mud, and a person's hand or face could be seen trying to press through the opaque smooth dirt. They all moaned, speaking of hardship, confusion, depression, uncertainty. Over and over they repeated how they died, why they died, who killed them, whether they committed suicide or murdered someone. The worst was the children, always confused, always scared, always crying out for their lost parents.

Finally the group reached a part of the path where it opened and widened. This led to a vast cavern that stretched for as long as the eye could see. The dirt slowly gave way to rocks, which then gave way to sand. Beyond the sand was a vast river, it's clear waters flickering against the torches. Behind them the tormented voices still called, rippling against the walls in troubled echoes.

Sitting at the edge of the riverbank was a wooden pier. A long, long line of people stretched from it. Men, woman, and children of all ages stood in a single file line, staring blankly ahead of themselves. No one spoke, adding to the disturbing scene.

The only time these people seemed to snap out of their daze was when Fate passed. Every single person wordlessly turned their heads, eyes silently following Fate as he walked by. Once he was past they went back to staring vacantly ahead. Fate paid heed to none of them, pointedly looking straight ahead as though they weren't even there.

Waiting at the edge of the pier was a being. They were recognizable immediately; they wore a long black cloak, the large hood completely obscuring their features. Two skeletal hands held a long scythe, and the being was currently leaning against the weapon.

Upon seeing this person, Marcus abruptly stopped walking. Sires, not expecting him to stop, rammed into him and glared.

"No way," Marcus said. "Nope. Uh-uh. Not doing this. I like my immortality, thanks."

Sera looked behind himself, walked over to Marcus, and then grabbed him by the arm to force him forward. "He won't hurt you, I promise. He's just a ferryman."

"Just a ferryman," Marcus squeaked, his eyes wide.

"What do you care," Sires grumbled as he stomped past them, "you're half-dead anyway."

Marcus glared. "Exactly, and I'd like to keep the part of me that's alive."

Suddenly, Fate was next to Marcus and Sera, appearing out of thin air. "I assure you, his job is merely to distribute the dead."

Without another word, Fate continued walking. Marcus swallowed thickly and then continued onward, jerking his arm out of Sera's grasp.

When the group reached the ferryman Fate bowed, much to everyone's surprise. The cloaked being returned the deep bow.

"Death," Fate greeted.

Death pointed to the angels, and when he spoke it was light and delicate, angelic sounding. All except Fate were shocked. "What are they doing here? They're not allowed here."

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