Chapter 2.

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Vincent looked terrified and stumbled backwards, gawking. "What the fuck! How did you--what did you--"

"Oh. I am too late unfortunately."

Startled, the pair spun around. Standing before them was a person. They stood, arms crossed, brow furrowed (though that fact was concealed by a large brown hood), one hand on their chin. Their sudden appearance made Hakan visibly uneasy, and he slipped his hand into Vince's.

"I was hoping to find you both intact," the being muttered more to themselves than either Hakan or Vincent, "but I suppose this will have to do. I do not have time to leave and come back—"

"Excuse me," Vincent boldly interrupted, "but who are you?"

"I am Fate," Fate replied, still clearly lost in his own thoughts.

Hakan blinked his grey eyes a few times. Releasing Vincent's hand, he took a couple steps forward, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, did you say Fate?"

Fate dropped his arms to his side, giving them his full attention now. "Yes."

Hakan let out a high-pitched, strangled laugh.

"We must hurry," Fate implored, holding out his hand, "you must come with me and—"

Vince grabbed Hakan by the wrist and protectively yanked him back. "Go with you? No! We're not going anywhere with you."

Fate sighed. "Why must humans be insufferable sometimes—"

"Can you at least tell us what's going on?" Hakan tried a bit more gently.

"Yes, of course," Fate replied quickly, "I do apologize for my misstep. L.A. has been destroyed by Lucifer, who means to start Armageddon, but I have felt compelled to try and make things right, and—"

Vincent sank to the ground, staring at nothing. "What?"

"Did you say Lucifer?" Hakan asked, his voice going high-pitched again.

"Yes, and we must stop him—"

"What do you mean we?" Vincent demanded, his head snapping up.

"Yeah, what do you expect us to do?" Hakan barked, "I mean, it's not like we can shoot lightening out of our fingers or something—"

Vincent moaned. "Did you really have to make a Star Wars reference right now?"

"The point is," Hakan continued, "you said we. Implying us—Vince and myself."

Fate blinked. "Yes. Now, if you will come with me—"

Vincent flopped onto his back, arms outspread, looking at clear blue sky. "This is a dream. A really bad, stupid dream. I'm not actually dead, L.A. wasn't actually destroyed, and I'm not actually talking with Fate right now."

Now Fate was angry. "I do not have time for this, we must hurry—"

"Okay time out," Hakan said. "Everyone, stop. Let's pretend this is real for a second—"

"It is."

Hakan narrowed his eyes at Fate. "Let's pretend this is real. Why did you think Vince and I could help? We're...normal! We're just two people! I don't understand—"


Vincent sat up, his face scrunched up. "Huh?"

"The both of you have the purest love out of anyone on Earth," Fate explained.

Hakan and Vincent looked at one another, surprised by that statement.

"A group of beings has already been collected," Fate continued. "I have amassed everyone who would stand a chance going up against The Morningstar. Most everyone's purpose is to try and overpower Lucifer. But like any good strategy, it needs to be multifaceted.

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