Chapter 4.

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"We have a new student with us today."

Einar sank into his seat, wishing the ground would swallow him whole. He was now dressed like everyone else. After speaking with X the previous day, he was given a map, shown to the barracks where the students slept on cots, and issued a set of clothes that was required to be worn by everyone. He didn't know what they had done with his clothes from Iceland, and he assumed they were thrown away.

Upon waking up that first morning in The Compound, Einar found a man with dark features standing over him. He was told he needed to get dressed for the day quickly, and that this man (who introduced himself as Caesar) would be doubling as an interpreter and guide for Einar. Having a companion made Einar feel even more out of place than he already did. In spite of his hang-ups regarding the situation, after a quick breakfast in a large cafeteria he reluctantly followed Caesar to a classroom.

The class all twisted in their seats to stare at him, and he felt himself blush at the teacher's words.

"Please come to the front of the class."

Einar looked imploringly at the interpreter. "Do I have to?"

Caesar answered by frowning. Einar got to his feet, his chair scraping loudly against the now-silent room. On shaking legs he walked, coming to stop at the teacher. Awkwardly turned to the class and looked at his feet, holding his arm.

Shockingly, the teacher whacked him against the head with her open palm. Einar openly gawked at her. When she raised her hand to strike him again, he flinched. She smiled, but it was strict.

"We do not cower, nor do we slouch," she said sharply. "We stand at our full height, chin up, arms at your sides."

Not wanting to be hit again, Einar stood properly. The teacher nodded in approval.

"Introduce yourself."

Einar glanced helplessly at Caesar, which earned him another smack.

"I said introduce yourself, not look pathetically at your interpreter!"

Einar wrung his hands in front of him. "But I don't speak English-"

The woman with flaming red hair hit him again. "I didn't say give me excuses-speak!"

"I'm Einar -"

"Louder, so the class can actually hear you."

That earned some snickers. Swallowing, Einar spoke loudly. "My name is Einar ."

"And where are you from, Einar?"

"Iceland." Tears sprung to his eyes. Now he looked desperately at the teacher. "I don't understand-where am I? What country is this, what-"

"Sit down."

His eyes grew wider. "But-"

She raised her hand, threatening to backhand him. "I said sit down!"

Cringing away from the woman, he scampered back to his desk.

Thankfully, that was the last time he was called on during that class period.


Einar had just slipped into his issued grey pajamas. It was the only outfit that wasn't all black. Thankfully, he sank onto his cot. He could tell it was going to be a day where he would start sleeping as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The day had been ridden with fear and frustration. He went through what seemed like a normal educational curriculum; math and science, history, geography, global current event issues. Everyone, from what he could tell, was required to take English. He was thrown into it mid-lesson, being told he was expected to catch up quickly with the rest of his class with the aid of Caesar. Einar had left that class almost reduced to tears, thanks to the instructor calling on him several times; he had never spoken English in his life.

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