Respect | Duck x Reader - Oneshot

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Genre — Fluff.

Warning — N/A.

Requested by —RandomThingsOfMine ————————————————————————————————————


I walked inside of our usual room in our usual house with the two other guys sitting on their usual chairs. I had a coffee mug in my right wing.

I sat down in my chair, drinking my coffee and reading the daily newspaper. There was an advert for 'Grolton's Chicken Tub' on the inside.

"What do you think's going to happen tod—" Harry was cut off as he heard crashing from the doorway.

"Duck, your turn to get it," Harry smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and groaned as I sat up and got out of my seat. 

I opened the door, looking around. My beak curled into a frown at the sight of a person standing there with a suitcase.

"Hello," the person spoke. "I'm—"

"What do you want?" I snapped at them.

"Geez," they rolled their eyes. "I'm supposed to be a roommate in this house. I already paid rent."

"In our house? Why couldn't you get your own?" I folded my wings.

"My, it's a nice place," they stated, ignoring my question. "At least you clean up."

The yellow annoyance named Manny ran excitedly towards us. "What are you doing in our house?" He asked the person.

"I'm your roommate. Name's Y/N, nice to meet you." Manny shook their hand. Harry came along, greeting them as well.

I growled a bit, an odd noise for a bird. The person looked at me in confusion.

"Would you like to have a seat, Y/N?" Manny gestured to my chair.

"No, you idiot! That's my chair! Mine!" I snapped at him, slapping his hand away from them.


"I make the rules in this house, and you are going to follow them. You need to respect me, that's what." I jabbed a feathered finger at their chest.

"Suit yourself," they giggled.

"Ugh!" I huffed, storming off into the bedroom. I sat down on my bed, folding my wings.

"They must think that they can boss me around just because the other two like them more," I muttered grumpily. "Well, I—"

I was cut off as I saw them walk into the room, a blanked look on their face. "Oh, hey... Hey, what's wrong, mate?" They sat down next to me on the bed.

"Leave me alone, and knock the next time," I demanded.

"Are you just mad that I'm moving in and all? You want me to, I don't know... leave?"

I frowned. I didn't exactly like them, but it's not like I had at least given them a chance.

My shoulders slumped a bit. "No."

"I don't wanna feel like, you know, a burden to you guys."

"You're not a burden." I told them. My heart now felt much softer towards them, knowing they were willing to care. They weren't even a teacher.


"No... I just like having some respect around here, that's all."

"You want respect?" They smiled a bit. "Well, I'll give you it. How 'bout that?"

I smiled back. They offered a hand, and I shook it.

"I'd like that."


Thank you for reading!

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