Don't Tear Up, Cheer Up! | Manny x Child!Reader - Oneshot

343 8 2

Genre — Fluff.

Warning — N/A.

Requested by — @GwenSarmiento6



Tears ran down my face as I slid onto the floor.

Why don't they like me...? I thought. Through my tears, I could see the other kids playing and ignoring me. They didn't care about my pain, only themselves and their friends. 

I wanted to tell the teacher, the neon pink-and-yellow puppy mascot, but 'not having friends' was a stupid reason to bother someone for.

The playground was supposed to be fun.


My parents wouldn't be back for hours, so I had no choice but to watch other kids play while I sat down.

I saw three others come in: a green bird, a red string monster, and one yellow-colored child.

The yellow child had caught my eye; he had blue hair and kiddie overalls with cute stickers all over them.

I watched as he seemed to have no luck with making friends with the other kids; they all pretty much ignored him. 

Just like me.

I then just wiped my reddened, puffy eyes, trying to hide my tears.

"Hello!" A low yet childish voice came from over me.

I uncovered my eyes and looked up.

There he was, the yellow child, standing there with a toothy grin across his face.

"Does you—do you want—to have—to play with me?" He had a bit of trouble with words, but I didn't mind it that much.

"Real... really?" I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

"Yeah! I was hoping we could—to—be friends!" He giggled.

"Oh..." he seemed really genuine. The look on his face was something I couldn't resist. 


"Let's go to the slide!" He smiled, and we went on our way.

Somehow, this child had managed to turn my frown all the way upside down. He was so interesting to talk to and fun to play with here.

And soon enough, my parents had came to pick me up.

The child was resistant to letting me go. "Awww... Promise you'll come back soon?" 

I gave him the biggest, happiest smile I could arrange my face into.



Thank you for reading!

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Oneshots + HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now