I Beg Your Garden? | OC x Young!Reader - Oneshot

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Genre — Angst-to-fluff, OC fic, AU.

Warning — Unnerving themes.

Requested by — N/A.

[OC Description: The newest teacher, Miss Rosy, teaches about the subject of plants and gardening. She works in a school different to the house; and she goes back way before the trio was homeschooled. She is, unfortunately, a generally odd teacher despite her innocent look; by 'odd' meaning that she will willingly kill a student to get her way. Roy unknowingly spawned this disturbing puppet as the machine was plugged in.]

[It's best to do what Miss Rosy says.]


3rd POV

Y/N had to go to their new class with the trio, well just Manny. The other two, Harry and Duck, were staying behind, not concerned about how late they were going to end up being.

As they took a seat beside Manny, the door suddenly shut.

Walking inside was a surprisingly large flower puppet with pink petals and big googly eyes.

She was carrying a book, seemingly using her leaves as actual hands.

Manny looked excited, but Y/N looked bored and like they didn't want to be here.

"Hello... Wasn't there supposed to be two others?" Her voice was low and slightly distorted as she spoke.

"Yeah, the others are somewhere!" The yellow child grinned.

The flower bared her teeth at him. "Why aren't they here." Her face grew twisted as she got angrier.

The yellow child's face contorted into panic. "I don't know! I'm sorry!"

She retaliated and her face contented. "Well, too bad for those fellows, because they will be marked 'absent'."

Manny nodded.

"Well, I'm Miss Rosy, and I'll be teaching you about the best subject ever... plants!" She grinned, showing all of her sharp, razor-like teeth. Ew.

"Now, plants use carbon dioxide..."

Miss Rosy seemed to never shut up, going on and on about some sort of 'photosynthesis' or whatever. Y/N and Manny fooled around, joking about the teacher.

"'Blah blah, I'm Miss Rosy and I bore kids to death,'" Y/N mocked her as they whispered to Manny.

They both snickered, and Miss Rosy turned around. Her face was highly twisted into some sort of rubberhose styled creature.

"Would you like to tell the entire class what you just said?" The creature snarled, her twisted smile never leaving her face as she spoke. Her neck extended all the way to Y/N's desk.

Y/N didn't seemed too threatened, so they poked the creature's nose.

"Boop!" They giggled, hugging Miss Rosy's neck.

The creature's face contented yet looked confused. "What—what is this?" She snarled at first, then her voice distorted and became calm. 

The flower then purred, leaning into the hug.

Manny joined the hug, and Y/N wrapped their arm around him as well.

Y/N smiled, holding onto them both. Maybe school isn't so bad after all.


Thank you for reading!

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Oneshots + HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now