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There music is not that bad. Soundwave chuckled. Yes I agree. Uncle Soundy where's daddy. Where were suppose to hangout today.

Sorry to say this but your father is not feeling well. Oh. I better goes see him. Bye Uncle Soundy. CyberMoon was making sure that Megatron was comfortable. She went to washroom to freshen up. But she didn't hear the doors opened. SolarWave walked in and saw her father fast asleep.

CyberMoon walked out with a medicine for tonight. She looked up and saw SolarWave. SolarWave. I was listening to my music until Uncle Soundy told me. Oh you were suppose to hangout with you father today weren't you. Ya. Well I am sorry maybe tomorrow. Your father is not feeling well. CyberMoon went over and put a cold cloth on him trying to cool him down.

Mommy why wet cloth. Well your father is really hot to the touch dear. And his processors are kicking much harder then they should. So I am using a cold cloth to try to cool him down. If you can SolarWave can you watch the twins you and Sunblaster. Sure. Thank you. And I know your father would be happy to.

Knockout figured out that Megatron has come down with a Cybertronian cold. And it is not contagious. He walked out and went to the Lord, and queens room.

Megatron was starting to wake up. He turned and saw SolarWave. She saw and smiled at him. He lightly smiled back. Soon the doors open. CyberMoon looked up. Oh Knockout. How's the master doing. Okay I guess. So what did you find out. Well it did confirm that he got a Cybertronian cold. And it is not contagious. He should be back up on his feet by tomorrow. Excellent thank you Knockout.

He bowed and left. She turned to Megatron who was still fast asleep. She smiled. But still her spark aches seeing her husband like this. She then heard Megatron groan and turning over. She got up and went to check on him. She leaned forward and kissed his cheeks. He slowly opened his eyes and slightly smiled. I smiled back. I soon heard the doors open. SolarWave. Hi mommy. Daddy feeling better. Not just yet. It will take time. But your Uncle Knockey said he should be feeling better tomorrow. Good. I soon saw her walk off.

She then reached over and grabbed her husband's pad. She looked through and saw photos of the kids. She smiled. She loved seeing the memories with the photos. Soon Sunblaster walked in. Hi mom. How's dad. He's doing okay. What you looking at mommy. Oh photos on your father's pad when you were just a sparkling. Oh can I see. Yes. I lifted my son up and sat me next to me.

He giggled. That's me. Yes it is. Why am I doing that to daddy. Well your father didn't like it one bit but he knew you were having fun. But he was in pain for about 3 days. Who that's the video. Hmm. I don't know.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Warlord's Wife Book 3 She's AliveWhere stories live. Discover now