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Megatron then walked over and sat at his desk. I walked over. Hey, let me look at it. Megatron looked at you. No, it's fine. No, let me look at it. Megatron chuckled. He then turned and you bent down and looked at it. Hmm. Looks just like a bruise. Let me get an ice pack. I got up and walked into our washroom. Megatron sat and waited until you came out.

I walked out and sat on his lap. He looked at me. I put the ice pack on his chin and he hissed at the touch. There. Better now. Megatron chuckled. Yes I am now. He bent down and kissed me on my cheeks. I soon saw Megatron writing something. What are you writing. Hey no peeking. It's a surprise and something for you. Oh, okay.

I got up and walked to check on the kids. Megatron saw you and kept writing. What he was writing was poetry letters that he wanted to give to you. He always had a passion for writing poetry and didn't know why. But it helped him relax and debrief.

I walked and opened Sunblaster door. I saw him crying and sitting at his desk. I walked over and sat on his berth. Hey you okay. No. It wasn't my fault it was SolarWave's. She wanted my toy that I said but I said no. And soon we were fighting over it and it snapped and broke and it went to the direction where we smacked dad's face.

You both need to get along. I don't want the twins to learn this. You are a big brother to them. So please be and act like one. You're right mom. Can I go apologize to dad. I nodded.

Megatron was writing when he turned and saw Sunblaster. He turned away and continued writing. Dad. He walked closer. Dad I am really sorry for what I did. Well for what we did. Megatron listened and put his pen down and leaned back. Son you and SolarWave need to get along. And I do accept the apologize. Just yours because SolarWave hasn't apologize to me yet. You are a big brother to her and the twins. You need to show it to them. I don't want them to learn it from you from fighting.

Sunblaster walked and sit on the chair next to his dad's desk. Yes I know. That's what mom said. So what was the item you both fought over. It was my toy that you gave me a while back. When I was a sparkling. I see. Sunblaster looked and saw papers. What you writing dad. Uh. Nothing it's a surprise for your mother. But nevermind that I want you to go and take a bath. Yes dad. He got up and hugged his father.

Megatron hugged his son and gave him a kiss on his helm. Love you son. Love you to, dad. Megatron patted his son on the shoulder and he left.

I was talking to SolarWave trying to get her to understand. SolarWave you need to apologize to your father. Why. Sunblaster started it. Hmm. That's not from what I heard. The thing you guys broke was his wasn't it. Yes it was okay. Hey don't talk to me like that I am your mother. I don't care mom. Megatron.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Warlord's Wife Book 3 She's AliveWhere stories live. Discover now