Day One, Masturbation and hardcore anal.

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       Henry's P.O.V.

  I sighed, laying on my bed. I was tired from the chores I had finished around 30 seconds ago. I unzipped my tight jeans, needing the blissful release after the unneeded stress. I slipped my cock out of my boxers, wrapping my hand around it. "Fuck..." I whispered under my breath. I began to move my hand up and down my cock at an antagonizing pace. I wish Patrick was here, his puckered lips around my slick cock. Hell, what am I thinking, he probably doesn't even like me like that. Then again, he did give me a handjob that one time. But, that didn't mean anything! Nothing at all! Even if he did like me like that, there's no way he would admit it. Not in a thousand years. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and getting back to the task at hand. I frowned, just jerking wouldn't satisfy me. I needed more, way more. I thought for a minute before sucking on three of my fingers. I placed one of the slicked up fingers against the rim of my hole, and slowly pushed in. "Mph- Oh, fuck~ that feels goood..." I added another finger, slowly beginning to scissor and fuck myself on my fingers. They felt good, but not as good as an actual cock would. Well, in my wildest dreams I guess.

  Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I froze, having been so close to my orgasm. After around 3 knocks, the person had seemed to leave the door and I was safe to continue, or so I thought. I never thought to consider if it was Patrick, even less know I had the risk of being caught be him at my window. I never thought of that. All I did was continue fucking myself and jerking off. My window opened, yet I was moaning so loud I hadn't noticed. "Hey, Henry, wha-" I stopped and froze staring at Patrick, sitting in the middle of my floor holding something in his hand. "Damn, that desperate without me, huh?" He laughed. I just tried to hide in embarrassment. Patrick had crawled onto the bed, positioning himself on top of me. I tried to hide my face in my pillows, but it didn't work out very well. "Oh, no, don't hide your face, I want to see it when I wreck this pretty hole of yours, love." He said, petting my hair as he undid his belt and zipped down his jeans. I peeked out from the pillow as Patrick lured me. "W-what do you mean?" I said, stuttering a little. "Oh I mean exactly what I said." I became even more nervous. Was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Is he going to hurt me? As if he could read minds, he answered all of my questions. "No, I'm not mad, you did nothing wrong and I'm going to try not to hurt you." The first two were reassuring the third one was making me panic. He was going to  try not to. That meant there was a possibility I would get hurt. I shoved my face back into the pillow, sighing. "Ass up, Hen." Patrick said. I positioned my ass up into the air. I felt a gentle sting on my ass, hissing as there was another on my right. "Please be careful..." I mumbled under my breath. "It's okay, baby. I'll be gentle with you..." Patrick said, staring at my ass. "You want prep or nah?" He said, rubbing his fingertips on my asshole. "Just fuck me already!" I yelled out, banging one of my fists on the bed. Patrick didn't like that. He instantly shoved into me, beginning to thrust hard and fast, even if he just entered me. "Oh, Fuck~! Patrick, fuck mE~!!" I yelled.."I. Am." He said sternly, speeding up and pulling my hair to reach deeper into me. I continued screaming out his name and moaning loudly as he somehow sped up everytime I yelled out his name. "Fuck, Patrick, I'm close~!" I screamed, tightly pulling the sheets up into balls inside my hands. He seemed to acknowledge my scream because a short moment later, he began jerking my cock in time with his thrusts. "OH, PATRICK~!" I screamed in a high pitch. I gripped the sheets harder, (if that was even possible) and came all over my chest and Patrick's hand. Patrick continued thrusting and after a few moments, his creamy white paste shot out of his cock and painted my walls white. I panted, letting go of the sheets and grabbing one of Patrick's hands. "Mph, Patrick, what're you staring at?" I asked, looking where he was. I saw what looked to be a waterfall of Patrick's cum leaking out of me. "Holy fuck, Patrick! You're cleaning this mess up." I said, still holding his hand. "I know, baby. Here, let me put some clothes on you." He said, dressing me in some comfortable, loose clothing. He dressed himself in the same kind of clothing, yet in different colors. I giggled, and hugged him tightly. He smiled and hugged me back. "Soooo, run back to my place, food, and cuddles?" He said, looking at me with a somewhat loving look in his eyes. "Yeah, that sounds good." I said, still clinging onto him. "Cool." He said, sneaking us both out of my window and heading over to where his place was. His parents weren't home, so we had the whole place to ourselves. Once we arrived, Patrick put on a movie and had the food delivery ready for when I had entered the living room. "Christ, Patrick..." I mumbled with a gentle smile on my face. He smiled at me and opened his arm for me to snuggle up in. I crawled into his arms and curled up, kissing his forehead and falling asleep. I was ready for anything that came my way tomorrow because I'd have Patrick by my side.

   God, all I want is a happy relationship. Is that too much to ask for? - signed samuel, the author.

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