Day four, choking and bondage.

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    Henry's P.O.V.

  I sat on my bed, scrolling through my phone. My door opened as I looked over, noticing a tall, lanky figure in the doorway. "Hey, Hen. I heard what happened at the tunnel. I'm sorry you had to go through that." I recognized the voice to be Patrick's. Almost instantly, I ran up to give him a hug. Patrick wobbled and fell into the wall, knocking a small purple heart-shaped box off of a shelf. I jumped and hugged my arms around Patrick tightly. Patrick picked up the box, and tried to put it back on the shelf, but only got the lid on the shelf. "Woah, Henry what the hell do you do you use these for?" Patrick said, smirking while looking in the box. "Use wha-" I looked at what he was looking at. "These.. I wonder how good this rope would look tied around your pretty little wrists." Patrick said seductively. "Oh, uhm..well, i-" I was getting an obvious boner, as Patrick could see. He pulled me close, whispering in my ear. "Bet you're excited to see. Hm, henry?" He said, rubbing over my hard penis as he pulled me over to my bed, instantly climbing on top of me. "P-Patrick..." I whimpered as he kissed my neck, sucking and bitting my sweet spot on my neck. I softly moaned, gripping Patrick's hair as he sucked harder. Patrick broke the kiss, tying my hands up to the bedpost. "Wh- hey! Let me go!" I said, struggling against the ropes. "Now, now, Henry. It's okay, I'll let you out soon." Patrick cooed, petting my head. "Okay..." I mumbled. I moaned loudly as Patrick thrusted into my tight asshole. "Oh, fuck, Patr-" His hand gripped my neck, cutting off my airway. I couldn't talk, all I could do was open my mouth as if moaning every time he pounded into me. "Yeah, just like that Henry...Keep squeezing Daddy's cock like that." Patrick's words alone had already made me cum, yet he wasn't done, so neither was I. Patrick pulled out about halfway and then instantly slammed back in, making his creamy white paste shoot all over my tight walls. I orgasmed again, moaning loudly as Patrick loosened his grip on my throat. Patrick untied me, and let me hug him and push him down so I could lay on him. "That was nice." Patrick said, gently tracing shapes onto my back. "Yeah, it kinda was." I said. "I'll be gentle next time, baby." He said. I smiled tracing the same shapes on his chest as he was on my back. "Hey, hen." "Yeah?" "I love you." ... "I love you too." I fell asleep right there in Patrick's arms, dreaming sweetly.


"Yeah, dad?"-henry
"What the HELL are those marks on your neck?"-butch
"They're from me."-patrick
"Patrick? You're a fag? No wonder my son is like this."-butch
"Stfu you stupid bitch."-henry
"No, you shut up Henry!"-butch
*Insert Patrick and Henry cuddling in a kitchen chair.*

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