Alcohol. (Special chapter)

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     Henry's P.O.V.

I sipped from the bottle of whiskey in my hands as I stepped into the living room, where Patrick and Victor sat on the couch. "Damn, Henry didn't know your ass looked so god damned good in that dress." Patrick mumbled, obviously drunk. "Yeah, you look nice in that." Victor whispered, staring at my cock in the tight black lingerie dress I was wearing. I smirked, sipping my whiskey as I walked over and sat on Victor's lap, seeing as he looked very nice and complimented my dress. "Thank you, boys... I knew you'd like it." I said, stumbling over my words and flicking my wrist a little. "Sorry about that, Victor." I said, giving him a look. I could feel him growing in his pajama pants he was wearing as he hid his blush in his hand. "Someone's excited." I said, giggling and smiling at Victor. Victor grabbed my thighs, pulling me closer to him as he gently grinded against me. I smirked, and stopped his hips. "Allow me~" I said, seductively. I began grinding on Victor, letting out fake moans that were guaranteed to either make Victor laugh, or make Patrick even more jealous. "Oh, fuck, Victor!" I yelled out, rolling my eyes and leaning my head back. I was so fucking unready for the stunt Patrick pulled that very moment. "Hey, Victor bet he'd look good with two up the ass, ya think?" Patrick said, putting his arm behind Victor's head. "Wouldn't that hurt him, though? He's so small, he looks like he couldn't even take my full length!" Victor looked at me and then at Patrick again. Patrick said one thing in response. "It's okay, he's taken way more before, I'm sure." Actually, I haven't I've only taken one, and it wasn't even up the ass. It was in the mouth and I only did that to get a passing grade in that class. "Well, what if we did this? One of us takes his mouth the other takes his ass." Victor suggested, holding me still. I held on to Victor as if I was a baby clinging to his momma, staring at Patrick from my spot on Victor's lap was. "I mean, I guess. But I really wanna try the double penetration!" Patrick whined, joining Victor in holding me. "Alright, fine. We can try that at the end, 'cause I want my dick sucked by midnight tonight." Patrick nodded in agreement, and walked into the bedroom. "Hey, Henry? Are you okay with anything we just talked about?" He said, toying with my hair. "Yeah." I said, even if I was scared because if there was something in my mouth, if the person who has my ass is too rough I can't yell put the safe word. Although, double dick doesn't sound too bad either. "Okay, but just remember, if you're scared about anything we can just not do it." Victor said, looking into my eyes with concern. "I'll remember that, Victor. I promise, I'll be fine." I said, smiling at him. We entered the bedroom, where Patrick sat on the bed as he patiently waited for us. "There you are, I grew 34 years older waiting for you!" Patrick complained. "More like 34 minutes" I argued back, sticking my tongue out at him. "Well, where do we start?" Victor asked, rubbing my head and playing with my hair. "Well, go on, Victor." Patrick said, motioning to us. Victor looked confused, and I just played a long with him. Patrick scooted closer to us, pushing our heads closer so we were kissing. I wrapped my arms and legs around Victor, tangling my fingers in his beautiful blonde hair. Victor gently pushed his tongue into my mouth as I whimpered into his lips, gently tugging on his hair. Patrick smirked, sitting patiently as I made out with Victor. Victor broke the kiss for air as Patrick sat behind me, starting to lick and suck my neck. My moans were cut short as Victor instantly took over my mouth. "Looks like you've made your choice on which end you wanna stick your dick in." Patrick stared into Victor's eyes with lust as Victor resumed the make out session. "No need to be so hasty, Henry's not going anywhere." Patrick said, grinding against my clothed hole. I moaned into Victor's mouth, gripping his hair tighter. In around 3 minutes, we were all almost all the way naked, and we were all in position. I held Victor's  cock in my left hand, letting it touch my cheek. Patrick rubbed his lubed up fingers against my hole as I gently began moving my hand up and down Victor. I gave Victor's mushroom tip a few kitten licks as Patrick gently eased a finger into me. I moaned out as Patrick moved his fingers at a very fast pace. "Shut up." Patrick said, sitting up and pushing my head down on Victor's cock. I gagged, rolling my eyes back into my head and bobbing my head. Victor moaned loudly, grabbing my hair and the bed sheet. "Oh fuck, you're good at that!" Victor yelled. "Nah, you've just never had a blowjob." Patrick said, pulling out his fingers. "You ready, Henry baby?" Patrick asked, pushing his tip against my hole. I nodded, and made a noise to show I was okay with it. I moaned out when Patrick pushed his length inside of me. Soon, I was a cock-drunk mess, hopelessly choking on Victor as Patrick pounded me from behind. My eyes were half lidded, my cock was dripping and my hole was red as I let the two boys abuse me as they liked. Around fifteen minutes later, Victor yelled out something. "O-Oh, god, c-cumming!" I felt a warm liquid hit the back of my throat and instantly swallowed it all. "God, same..." Patrick mumbled, and with one last thrust, I came all over the bed sheets and Patrick came inside me. "Holy fuck, Henry..." Victor mumbled, petting my hair as Patrick rubbed my back. "That was nice..." I said. "I never said we were done, neither did Victor." Patrick said, smirking. "Oh, yeah, just one more thing Henry." Victor said, patting my head and going to sit by Patrick. I felt both of their tips as my hole, and prepared myself as they both slowly pushed in. I rolled my eyes into the back of my head, letting a loud moan slip out of my mouth, as they continued spitting me in half. Let's just say it was a VERY long night.

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