Day Six, Shower sex.

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        Henry's p.o.v.

  I started the hot water, stepping into the water. The warm water felt nice against my back. "Patrick , hurry up!" I yelled, hugging myself. "I'm coming Henry, just give me a second!" I huffed at his response. "I'm not getting any younger in here!" I yelled, leaning against the wall. The shower curtain was pulled back a bit as Patrick stepped in and instantly smirked at me. "What? You've seen me naked plenty of times, patrick." I said, pulling myself off the wall. Patrick just stated at me. "Henry." "Yeah?" "Can I fuck you? " "weird question, but okay I guess." Our little conversation was cut short as he pulled me close and planted a heavy kiss on my lips. My hands gripped onto Patrick's shoulders as he forced his tongue into my mouth. I whimpered, grabbing Patrick tighter. Patrick grabbed my hips as he broke the kiss. "Turn around, baby." He said sternly. I turned around, my cheek pressing against the shower wall. I moaned loudly as Patrick thruster his cock deep into me. Patrick pounded into me, grabbing my hips hard enough to leave marks.  "Oh, fuck Patrick !" I screamed out his name, grabbing onto the shower wall. Patrick groaned, leaning his head back as he sped up his thrusts. "Patrick- i- I'm gonna- cum~! " I yelled rolling my eyes back. Patrick pounded harder into me and began to Jack me off in time with his thrusts. I soon came all over the shower wall, and not long after, Patrick shot his load deep inside me. "Fuck, that was nice... " I said, sighing and going to give him a hug. "Yeah, it was. Thank god for hot water." Patrick said, hugging me back.

( A little bonus for my amazing friend to read to me bc she's amazing)

"I don't know."
"well he doesn't."

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