Day two, Praise and riding.

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      Third person p.o.v.

  Henry moaned, gripping onto Patrick's shoulder for support as he rode him like a cowboy. "Oh, Patrick, god, your cock is so big! It's fucking my brains out!" Henry practically screamed. Patrick thrusted up into Henry in time with how he had been lowering himself on Patrick's cock. "Oh, god, Hen, that's it fuck yourself on my cock~" Patrick purred, grabbing Henry's hips, and lowering him faster. "Ah- ah- ah- ah- ah-" was all you could hear as Henry moaned while he had his brains fucked out by Patrick. "Yeah, baby. Just like that, darlin'. Good boy." Patrick's words echoed in Henry's head as his head bobbed, and he grabbed Patrick's knees. "Oh god..., FUCK~!" Henry screamed as Patrick hit that familiar ball of nerves hidden in his ass. Patrick leaned his head back as he moaned out Henry's name. Henry tightened around Patrick's cock as they continued fucking. Henry screamed out in pleasure as Patrick picked up the pace, pounding into Henry. "God, Patrick Fuuuuck~!" Henry yelled, having his fourth dry orgasm. Patrick smirked, smacking Henry's ass. Henry whimpered, stopping his moving. "Hen, what's wrong?" Patrick asked, concerned. "P-please don't hurt me, Patrick." Henry stuttered, hugging Patrick tightly. "Okay, love I won't." Patrick said, gently rubbing his back. Henry sat back up, slowly beginning to ride his cock again. "Mph~! Patrick~!" Henry moaned, riding Patrick harder. Patrick smirked, playing with Henry's hair. Henry pulled Patrick's hand out of his hair and brought it to his mouth, beginning to suck Patrick's fingers as if they were his cock. Henry whimpered around his fingers. "Good boy, Henry. Good fucking boy." Patrick growled, leaning his head back. "Such a good boy, fucking yourself on daddy's cock, and sucking on daddy's fingers like that." Did Patrick just refer to himself as daddy in the third person?! What is wrong with him...(p.s. the answer is everything) Henry whimpered and moaned around Patrick's fingers. "Yeah, fuck yeah, just like that, baby." Patrick said, his eyes full of lust. Henry took Patrick's fingers out of his mouth to speak. "Daddy, please just fuck me as hard as you can~!" Henry pouted, gently placing Patrick's fingers back in his mouth as they switched positions. Now Patrick was on top of Henry. Henry moaned around Patrick's fingers as Patrick pounded in and out of Henry. "Yeah, baby suck on daddy's fingers." Patrick growled again, watching Henry's face change into that familiar face that he made right before he was about to cum. "Daddy! Daddy, oh god, please let me cum daddy!" Henry whined out holding Patrick's hand that wasn't covered in saliva. "Mph, since you've been a good boy, go ahead." Patrick said, smirking yet again. "Thank y-" Henry didn't get to finish his sentence before his white sticky paste covered his chest, and not long after that, Patrick's white stick paste coated his walls. They both laid there, panting. "Uhm, you wanna get some food and watch a movie? I have some matching pj's I think we'd look cute in." Henry said, shyly. "B-but only if you want to!" He yelled out. Patrick giggled. "Sure, I'll go grab the PJs. And I'll get the food ready for you when you come out, Kay?" Patrick said, gently massaging Henry's head as he kissed Henry's forehead. "Mh...okay." Henry said, smiling a little bit. "Yup, I'll be back soon to come get you. Get comfy baby." Patrick said, and just in that moment did Henry realize that he was truly happy with Patrick. Henry smiled to himself, and got cozy on the bed.

   God why can't I be happy? -samuel, the single Pringle author...

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