Baby boy (day 8)

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    Henry's P.O.V.

I huddled in my closet, taking deep breaths so that I don't cry. I'm currently sitting on my friend Patrick's lap as my father calms down from beating me in the living room. Patrick rubbed my back, whispering into my ear. Suddenly, his hand touched a certain spot on my collarbone as I let out a loud moan. I felt his boner poking my ass when he suddenly stopped. "Damn, didn't know noises that that came out of my baby boy..." He whispered into my ear. I whimpered, feeling my pants become tighter. "Patrick, stop...I'm still sore. At least five minutes..." I said, looking in his list filled eyes. "No, not five minutes. I need your ass on me. Now, baby boy." Patrick said, grabbing my hips and grinding against my hole. "Mph-, fine, just...let me get my pants off..." I said, standing up and sliding off my pants and boxers. "Hurry up my dick isn't getting any younger over here." Patrick groaned out. "I'm coming, I'm coming, don't worry." I said, walking back over to him. I sat down again, leaning forward, pushing my ass out towards and shaking it a bit. "Go on, put it in already!" I said, getting impatient while I waited for him. "Seriously, no prep?" He asked, looking a bit surprised. "No, just fuck me Patrick!" I said a bit louder continuing to be impatient. "Alright, but if it hurts..." He started as he thrusted all the way into me. "OoOooOhH FuUccK~" I moaned out, my voice cracking as I did. "Don't blame me." He resumed as I remained showing my cock-drunk expression on my face. "Thats so fucking good..." I said, beginning to bounce my ass back on his cock. "AaAaaAh fuCKK~!" I yelled out as Patrick thrusted into me. "Be quiet, so your dad doesn't hear, baby boy. Don't want that."
He gripped my ass, leaving hand and finger prints on my ass. "Oh, god keep that up and I'm gonna cum~!" I yelled out. Patrick began jacking my cock in time with his thrusts, making me squirt cum all over my chest and stomach, some even getting on my face. Patrick loved the sight and instantly painted my walls white with his cum. "That was nice..." I said, panting.

Happy ending. Also no bonus this time cuz I'm lazy.

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