Chapter 4 - Scream And Shout

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Gorou's POV 

     "Daw, look at the babies~"

     "Aw, leave them alone~ They're so tired~"

     "You can't trick me, dude. Get up." I felt a hand reach towards my shoulder, but arms wrapped tighter around me and a deep, rumbly growl sounded under me. My eyes shot open, but I just found pecs in my face. "What's wrong, silly?~ Just get up~"

     "I-I can't...! Why're you here...?!"

     "We live here. Why're you here? The party's not for an hour and a half," Akira - my best guess anyway - muttered, flicking Arataki's ear. "And why're you wearing his shirt?"

     "I... I got wet in the rain and he said I should shower. Him and, uh... Shinobu? I-I think? S-She told me to and gave me pants to borrow..." One of them, the tallest one, was staring at my back while the other two giggled. I squirmed under his gaze, tucking my legs up against my chest until he caught my eyes. The questioning pity was foul in my mouth, so I just buried my face in Arataki's chest.

     "Alright, c'mon boys, let's get the house ready. Oi, Boss, where's Princess?" He mumbled something, pulling me a little closer. "I said "Princess," not your boyfriend."

     "We're not dating!" He just smiled wider, chuckling as I whimpered. I couldn't tell when it happened, but I shifted and felt far more than I'd expected under me. He just gave a stifled huff of air at the change in pressure. I wasn't gonna just sit there on his boner, so I shook his shoulder to the best of my ability, relieved when he opened a ruby eye. "You should go to the bathroom..."


     "Holy shit, it gets deeper?" He chuckled lowly, one hand rubbing at the exposed bit of my back. "A-Anyway, you just should." He closed his eye again with a grumble - before he jolted fully awake with another weight shift.

     "O-Oh. Yeah, maybe, one sec. You, uh... Sorry. You should eat." I nodded, pausing as he simply lifted me up and laid me back down - a pat to the head, small scratch behind my ear, and an apologetic smile came and passed before he hurried down the hall again. I just stayed curled up there, hesitantly sniffing at the pink food he'd left. It didn't smell poisoned, so I just nibbled one, quickly finishing an entire bowl.

     "Is it good?"

     "Fucking hell! S-Stop sneaking up on me...!" The tall one again - Mamoru, maybe. His hair was pinned back under a hairband while the other guy had a middle-part, so it was my best guess.

     "Nah. Anyway, he's pretty good, right? With food before you freak out."


     "How was your date?"

     "It wasn't a date!"

     "From what I can tell, you went to the market together, ate together, and someone got a present cause that beetle plush wasn't here this morning." I snatched it up, embarrassed to have left it out in the open. "So you then."

     "M-Maybe I bought it for myself!"

     "You didn't though. Otherwise you wouldn't be so embarrassed. And besides, he took a pic of you sleeping with it."

     "What?!" He offered me his open phone. There were two pictures - one of me curled up in his passenger seat and another of both of us, my face squished against his chest on the couch. The message above the couch one said "Fuck you guys, I get cuddles." He just snickered as I groaned. "Why'd he do this...?"

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