say 3 words to get rid of it (sodapack)

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Its sunday in the morning, two kids walking around the sidewalk of the street,talking while holding their coned icecream. Liam had chocolate and the bryce had the classic vanilla.

They're on their way to the playground, walking slowly as they both laughs about something in their conversation, it catches the backpack off guard making his ice cream fell to the sidewalk. Liam stopped walking, realizing that his icecream had fell. He frowns to it, disappointed by himself.

Bryce saw his expression, he really doesnt likes it when he looked like this, so for the sake on making him happy he lend his coned vanilla ice cream to him. liam looked at the cone then sees the little bottle's kind face, he hesitantly takes it thanking him as he smiled at him, bryce smiled back making the little backpack feels the flutter in his guts, his face turns red a bit, the bottle notices it.

Bryce: hey your face is redish again for no reason

liam was distracted then snapped and blinks a bit

Liam: oh! Iam? Man, This is the 5th times this week

Said liam as he feels the heat from his face with his free hand on his face. Bryce only knows the cause of a red face its because of embarrassment so he assumed he might made liam feel that way.

Bryce: well sorry if i made you embarrassed or something

Liam: what? No, i dont think im embarrassed per say, its something different

Bryce: you should get that check man, its been happening alot lately

Liam: yeah...i might ask aunt lily about it

They both continued walking to their destination as liam holds the vanilla ice cream in his hand.

it is Evening with the sky being redish orange. The sounds of a door creeks open as the tiny backpack walks into the house immediately heading to the living room's couch after closing the door behind him. He sit down with his hands on his face. The fluttery feeling in his guts starts again, he's thinking of his friend more frequent than before, its so weird that he does that, what is he feeling right now? Is it normal? Should he be concern? Should he see a doctor? Liam is also confused weather he liked the feeling or not, whatever it is he want it to stop, he want to be himself again without these weird feelings.

The door once again opens and it reveals to be a yellow tote bag with an orange wave shaped detail on the bottom part of the bag. It's Aunt lilia or lily i guess. The first thing she realized after stepping in is his nephew with a very upsetting face, she didn't hesitate to sit next to him asking him whats up.

Lily: heya kiddo, hows your day been?

She asked with a soft and kind smile on her face, giving liam her attention. Liam let out a sigh.

Liam: i dont know aunty...i keep getting these unknown feelings yknow?

Lily: hmmm, could you be more specific?

Liam: well...yknow that me and bryce are best pals..right???

Lily nods as she is concerned on where this is going

Liam: yeah so just today, i feel extremely weird around him as in this been happening alot in the past week and it becomes worsening and becomes more often!

Lily: okayy are you going to describe it?

Liam: oh right, okay, so umm....i feel likee something...flying, in my body as in like hmmmm butterflies??? Also i had trouble breathing sometimes because of the feeling and just by describing it i think i can feel my face turning red

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