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Day uh....i dont know, i cant really tell how long i was here. There is no sun or moon, just the void with a mirrored floor that seems to be endless, i think i've been here for years. im currently suffering in this place that gave me nothing but a table, chairs, and own my creation...the radio.

I was right about alternative universes, i was right about it's existence, i was right all along. But was it worth it? Ending up being trapped in this place...waiting for something, anything to happen? I feel its a lost cause. with years of research of this place, it's safe to say this place is the between of life and death, my body feel fresh and new, but my head and mental is all wonky and broken. Sure it somehow removed my greenish copper parts, but i rather have those than being in here.

Sometimes i would see people just spawned in front of me but the moment i went closer they run away, taken by the void. I followed one of them once but as i followed, they disappeared leaving me here, alone. I dont know what to do anymore, i cant seem to find my own universe, this was a waste of time, why didnt i just give up about this little theory? About any of this? Then I wouldn't have to suffer here for years. Every universe will leave me to my death, died so many times that i feel numb about it. Destroying the radio is also not it, i destroyed it a few times but it always comes back to the table in great condition, i've tried destroying it multiple times but i gave up at the end as i start breaking into tears on the mirrored ground...when will this end?

Is life really forbidding me to just- die completely? I know i have an unfinished business but who will help me anyways? I began to forget my own name. Starting calling myself lantern or whatever. Multiple breakdowns were made here, i still remember the intensity of the particles around me, it was loud and...full of static. I also notice that this place freezes me from aging..happy birthday to me i guess? I was still in my 20s before this happened.

Well now here iam, talking to myself just me and my thoughts, as my sanity getting thinner and thinner by the second. I was still, i began to become unresponsive, on the chair. alone.

Waiting for someone to save me

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