They love me, They love me not (sodapack)

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Liam, bryce and amelia sat on a blanket setting up for their first picnic ever at their hang out space of the park, the food was just fruit slices and pb and j sandwiches but as amelia rumerage the basket she realized she had forgotten the drinks for them.

Amelia: agh shoot! I forgot the juice boxes, im gonna head to my house and get it. you guys wait here

The boys waved her good bye and waited. Some moments later liam goes around aimlessly due to boredom on waiting, he picked a random flower with 6 petals and brings it to bryce

Bryce: why and what are you doing with that flower?

Liam: its either iam bored or i think its really pretty, but to be honest i want to try something that i keep seeing people do at our school

Bryce: what is it?

Liam: i pick each petals and say something as i do it

Bryce: oh i think i know that, arent that some sort of a girl thing?

Liam: yeah well i still want to try it anyways

Liam clears his throat before picking a petal

"They love me"

He picks off another petal

"They love me not"

Bryce: why "they"?

Liam: iam very secretive bryce

Liam continues until the last petal and the last one is not a good sentence to hear.

"They love me no- oh."

He saw the last petal fall as he stares at the petaless flower that he holds

Liam: i guess they dont love me

A frown forms on his face and bryce immediately try to cheer him up

Bryce: jeez i dont know who that person is but they're missing out, but its alright liam

He leans against the backpack trying to comfort him, he closed his eyes before he says the words that liam wouldn't thought he would hear.

Bryce: i love you

Can't believe that word slips from his mouth and bryce didnt even react to it, he was so in the mood that he didn't realize what he just said to him. of course liam could feel his face burning a blush is visible on his face but bryce didn't realize it before liam takes that last petal make it touch to the flower's center and pretends to pluck it off again as he said the next word

"He loves me"

Bryce eyes widen hearing that words adding with his action as he feels his faces heated, he was speechles and flustered, he would hide his face right now but he cant move, leaning against liam was a nice feeling that he rather not move at all, he looked at liam who was looking around but bryce as blush kept growing on him. 

Awkward yet a calm silence filled the spot, which is was broken by the scented candle who was calling their names, telling them that she came back which made bryce twitched and sat straight with sweat and a noticeable blush on his face. Liam waved at her with a soft smile.  Amelia is not dumb and can tell when something happened when she was gone so she asked.

Amelia: hey! What happened?



The gay tension is real smh- sorry its short just think this is cute to write teehee

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