[💥] Night Light

648 10 21

Note: liam is 6 in this one

'Drip drip drip'

      The sounds of dripping water from the sink echoing as theres soft sounds of the rain outside in the evening. Liam was getting ready for bed, accompanied by his aunt lily, tucking him to sleep.

"Good night auntie"

"Good Night liam"

     She gave him a kiss on the forehead before turning off the lights, she usually turn on liam's favorite night light that includes green blueish stars shinning on the celling but i guess she forgot to turn that on for him.

      The sounds of the rain sounds satisfying to hear, usually in this weather lily would do literature as she hears the dripping waters outside with tea beside her. Its 8 pm and she's not sleepy yet so why not make tea and enjoy the weather this night.

     The clouds began to thicken causing a not too loud thunder however it doesnt bother lily that much. she sat on the living room couch and take a sip of her tea while reading.

     Sounds of blankets here and there liam was struggling to fall asleep. Maybe its because lily forgot to turn on his night light that makes him not relaxed at all or maybe its the thundering sounds that might scare him at any moment or even maybe because it's pitch black and he feels like he's blind that anything can happen to him. He feels like he's about to drown in fear.

     He opened his eyes looking here and there. It was pitch black until a light fade in from his shutted window, shines due to the lightning outside. Even though there's no thunder it still made him jump that he closes his face with his blanket. He wanted to scream but the only that came out of his mouth was-

"Aunt lily?"

     Liam have an overactive imagination that he cannot control. he would think theres something under his bed, he would imagine how horrifying it looks like. he would think there's something inside his closet even tho there isnt, he knows there isnt but his imagination is too wild that he scared himself off.

     That's why he needed the night light, he would look at them and not focusing on anything that would make him feel afraid or scared. The night light was also a gift from his mother to always remind him of her and he feels like she's always there with him whenever he sleeps.

     But tonight he feels like she's not there, the light fades in again but this time with the semi loud thunder making liam shiver in absolute fear. His room was so dark that he wouldn't dare to get any of his limbs out of the blanket and turn on the night light.

     Liam does not like loud noises one bit, a car honks at him or when some neighbors yelling at him for a mistake on how he gave newspaper had already made him the urge to cry. However that fear is not as bad as this one. He needs a soft voice telling him everything is okay. He needs lily.

     He's stuck, in his blanket breathing in fear as tears start to form. He begs for the night to end already. If a semi loud thunder scared him this much already just imagine how bad it is when he hear a very loud one.


     Lily finished her tea she wrapped her self up with a blanket and with her reading glasses on. She looked outside the window realizing how its raining hard outside. She could hear the teardrop hitting hard on the window.

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