[💥] Snow activities!

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The sounds of the alarm filled the room, liam laying down in his bed trying to ignore the sounds that the alarm was making. Each seconds it feels like the alarm gets louder and louder, finally he gets up and turn off the alarm.

He yawn and stretch before realizing that his room felt more cold than it usually is. There is a calendar on his desk, he checked what date it was and just so happen it is time for the winter seasons. Liam's eyes are wide open feeling all excited.

he rushes downstairs to meet his aunt on the phone, he can see the disappointment on her face. When she realized liam was awake she quickly close the call and giving him the smile (pst its the smile from one 11)

Lily: liaammmm uhhh hehe sooo i got a call from your parents and uhh


Sparkle forming in his eyes as he said that, it made lily sigh loudly, the response made liam's handle slowly drops down as his face shift to a frown.
Liam experienced this before so he knew what will come out from lily before she even said it

Liam:...they're not coming...arent they?

Lily: yes, im so sorry dear..

Liam had his arms dangling his expression was a mix of sad and upset before he made his way to the living room's couch, feeling hopeless. Lily immediately followed him and sat next to him, she automatically put her hand around liam's as she holds him close making him leaning against her.

Liam: I really thought they would come today..

Lily: me too, but hey, they said they will send you a gift! That would be nice right?

Liam: i dont care about gifts at this point! I just want to see them...

Lily turns to him she can see a little tear start to from in liams eyes as he wiped away immediately, lily really dont like seeing him like this, she gotta do something about it, she thought for a while and an idea suddenly pops however it doesnt bring his parents to the suburbs but he does have some group people that would make his day.

Lily: liam...listen, how about we do some snowy activities again?

Liam: we always do that..i feel like im bored doing it now

Lily: liam! I didnt know you were bored of me! Fine then i guess you need a replacement

Liam: what? NO Auntie i didnt mean to-

Lily burst a soft chuckle before realizing the shear worried face liam has, she stops laughing and stood up walking towards the telephone in the kitchen. Liams start to panic as he feels her grip off him thinking she was serious about the 'replacement' thing so he followed her to the kitchen in the end.
He came by her just when she hangs up.


Lily: what?...what do you mean? Im not leaving

Liam: but you said you were getting a replacement

Lily: OH that, you didn't actually thought i was serious did you?

Liam: well a little bit

He whispered in response while fidgeting his front keychain looking at the ground. She softened her face while walking towards him quickly holds his shoulder.

Lily: hey, im not going anywhere, its just that theres going a group of people that you'll like visiting you very soon, so lets get you dressed for them alright?

Liam: okay

Liam puts on his gloves and boots, while lily is helping him putting on his warm hat and scarfs, liam usually use more than one scraf even tho he insisted that one is enough. lily kept denying due to fabric backpack like them can absorbs the cold water from the snow, so it best for him to have more than one just so he could get warm easily if that happens, she even tried to get liam on wearing a fur coat once which liam heavily declined.

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