[💥] world cant promise anything

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A tiny bottle woke up from his slumber looking into the crusty celling above him before he shifts his body to see his surroundings. What date is it today? What time is it? He soon noticed his alarm wasnt on the cupboard next to him, a glass of water was the only thing on it which he did not remember on getting any beforehand assumed his sister tucked him to bed and gave him water so he wouldnt wake up in the midnight waking her up and go down stairs to get some. she knows very well how much he hated the dark.

Speaking of the dark his room suddenly have no light in them...he usually sleep with the lights on so realizing this made the bottle shivers a bit but he manage to overcome the fear a little. He finally got up to turn on the lights back, unfortunately he seems to cannot find the switch for it and instead he rubs his hands on his wall. Did the switch just...disappeared? No no...it couldnt be, it just doesnt make sense at all.

This cant be happening maybe bryce was just sleepy and couldn't see properly and he soon thought the light of the moon will help him see better, but as he opened the blinds of his window it was dark like a void, this is clearly not normal. Its pitch black and he couldn't see anything through the window which is impossible. He immediately closed the blinds and starts to shiver more and more, he can feel how cold the floor is as he starts to breathe quicker in a slight panic, he wanted to scream especially calling for his sister but nothing came out from his mouth. So he tried to find the door knob and pray it also did not disappear.

Upon how hard it was to see in that room it didnt take him long to find the the door, oh how glad he is to finally touch something so familiar. He twisted the cold knob and the moment he opened it the other side gives a bit of light in the room, it was still dark but its light was enough for the bottle to see his hands and it made him feel a bit of a relief.

He carefully walks to her room not wanting to wake anyone at...whatever hour it is right now. He walks slowly and carefully like he often does at night and look around while being cautious at anything, he could feel someone was following him behind, he always felt that whenever he walks into the dark and he should be used to it but...this is different...he could hear some creaks coming from the stairs and bryce couldn't help to look behind him which he regrets doing so. A silhouette of someone..familiar...his mother? Oh no...

Bryce immedietly froze seeing the sight of that familiar sillhouette. The sillhouette looks a bit glitchy and he cannot see any face on them but from its shape and appearance it looks just like her... bryce immediately stops freezing and run quickly to his sisters room and the sillhouette starts following him behind and he could feel it running towards him. Bryce's heart was beating fast and cannot believe what he saw right now all he could do was run until he gets to stella's room and for some reason Stella's room felt further than before and he supposed to find it just in a few steps but he didnt, so he kept running as the halls felt longer too.

One of the doors was opened beside him, so he quickly went into that room and immediately closed the door behind him so the sillhouette couldn't catch him. He pants in exhaustion and panic, the choked feeling on his throat was a signal he wants to cry but no tears was coming out, he doesn't understand whats happening. he stayed blocking the door with his body and everything was still dark but then he noticed his sister was there standing in the middle of the room. bryce could only see her back side but it relieved him alot by just noticing her present he quickly hugged her from behind cheering her name while doing so he closed his eyes because how happy he was to hold someone he cared for.

Then he starts to feel something unusual...her body was not as warm as he remembered, he opened his eyes just to see the room had changed and they're both on the middle of the road of the suburbs, he was still holding her not letting her go even a second. Even tho her body was cold he didnt let go for some reason, the place was still dark the only thing he could see was the familiar road he was on as the sky and the other things around him was pitch dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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