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Louis is on the football team and has a match at the moment. He scores two goals and then the referee blows his whistle to end the game. "I'm sorry to do this, but you have to stop the match and get into the school. There's a storm coming and we need to make sure everyone is safe before it hits!", the referee explains and points toward the school. "But please don't panic! This half...", he continues and points to the opponent side and their audience "You will use the main entrance right there! Please help eachother get into safety and don't push eachother! And you...", he adds while pointing to the home team and their audience "You will please take the side entrance, you know where that is, right? If not, please follow the players, they'll bring you there!"

Everyone rushes out of their seat and heads toward the door they are supposed to go into. Because of all the hassle Claire falls and hurts her foot. Louis sees her and yells "Follow the rest of the team everybody!" and then runs over to Claire and helps her up. "Are you alright?", he asks her and holding her up a bit. "I think so...", she starts but after she takes the first step she adds "or maybe not!" "Here, let me help you!", Louis says adding "may I?" when he bends down and puts his hand behind her legs. "Sure!", she answers and Louis picks her up in a bridal style.

Before they get to the school it starts to rain. Not just a little bit. No. It starts to rain like cats and dogs. The wind picks up and Louis tries to walk faster. Once they reach the school they try to open the door but it doesn't work. "It's locked...", Louis states. "Go around that corner there!", Claire says pointing in the direction he should go "there's a side entrance nearly noone knows about!" Louis follows her instructions and can barely see anything anymore because of all the rain and leaves flying around.

He arrives at a wall and hopelessly asks "So where is the door?" "Right there, you have to look very carefully, it looks exactly like the wall!" He now sees the door that Claire ment and pulles on it. The door opens and he rushes inside. "How did you know that door exists?" "Well, my father kinda owns this place and therefor knows all the entrances and all..." "Your father...?" "Yeah!" "And that's why you knew it was unlocked?" "Exactly!" "Cool! Interesting! Where is this place? I've never seen it!", Louis says looking around and then letting Claire down on the sofa. "I'll just quickly text the others that they know we're safe!", Louis says pulling out his phone and starting to type.

"Uhm, I am actually not really allowed to tell you..." "But you will tell me?" "I'll think about it!", Claire says getting comfortable. Louis looks at her and then at her foot and takes off her shoe. "How bad does it hurt?", Louis asks. "From one to ten?" "Yeah!" "A hundred... kidding, I'd probably say nine..." He bends down and takes her foot into his hands. "Does this hurt?", he asks slightly moving her foot. "Yes!" "And this?", he wants to know and moves her foot differently. "Yes! But not as much!" "I think you might have sprained your ankle!" "So your a doctor now?" "My dad is and I've been at work with him a good few times..." "How cool!"

"You don't happen to have a first aid kit in here, do you?", Louis wants to know. "I'm not sure, maybe check that cabinet over there?" Louis goes over towards the cabinet and opens it. "There, to the left!", Claire says sitting on the couch. "Ah, thanks!", Louis replys grabing the first aid kit and walking over to Claire again. He takes out a bandage and wraps it around Claire's foot. "Thanks!" "Your welcome! Will you now pay me with the information on where this place is?" "No!", Claire answers giggling. "Well, what else would I have to do?" "Uhm,... kiss me!", Claire says kidding but Louis just looks at her. He looks her in the eye.

"You know I'm kidding, right?", Claire adds to make sure Louis knows. "Of course I know... but that doesn't mean I won't do it...", Louis answers whispering the last part. "I heard that!" "Maybe I wanted you to hear that!", Louis says wiggling with his eyebrows. They both start laughing. Louis goes over to the table and gets a chair. He puts the chair infront of Claire and Louis sits down next to her making himself comfortable. Claire puts her foot up and says "Thanks!" "Your welcome!"

"So, do you come here alot?" "Yeah, but don't tell my dad!" "Well, I've gotta think about that..." "Please!" "Uhm..." "Please!", she repeats and looks at him. "I don't know..." "Please!", this time she looks at him with puppy eyes. He leans in closer and whispers "If you kiss me..." in her ear. She turns her head and looks at him. They starte eachother in the eyes for a while and then lean in. Instead of kissing they bump into eachother and go appart rubbing their forehead laughing. "What was that?", Louis asks. "I was leaning in to kiss you..." "So was I! Let's try that again...", Louis says and leans in to kiss her. He grabs her face.

Just then Claire's phone starts to ring. It's her dad. She rolls her eyes but then answers. "Dad? What's up?" "Where are you?" "I'm in the old staff room..." "What? Why?" "I twisted my ancle and by the time we got to the door it was locked! So we went..." "We? Who's there with you? You know nobody's allowed in there!" "Louis. Louis Tomlinson! He helped me up and..." "A boy? Get out of there! The storm is over!" "Ok... see you!" She hangs up and looks at Louis. "I'm sorry, but you're dead now..." "What? Why?" "First of all you knkw about this place now. Second of all, you were here with me..." "So your daddy's little girl?" "He wants me to be, yeah..." "What does that mean?" She leans forward again and kisses Louis. More intense this time.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but my dad said we should get out of here. The storm is over." He presses his lips on hers again and then lifts her up. Louis goes to the door, opens it and is greeted by an angry looking man. "I'll take her!", he says and Louis knows he's her father so he puts her down so he can pick her up. "Thank you!", Claire's dad says and Claire looks at him in shock. "Did you just say thank you?" "Yes, is there a problem with that?" "No, no! It's just... very unexpected!" He starts to laugh and then replys with "Well, he helped my little girl..." "I'm not your little girl anymore..." "You are! So, as I was saying... he saved my lite girl and saved her from the storm! So thank you!" "Your welcome!", Louis answers smiling.

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