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"Granpa!" John shouted loudly, standing on his tip toes behind the curtains to peer out the window.

George was sitting in the kitchen reading the newspaper. "Yes, John?" he replied back taking a sip of the coffee from the mug in front of him.

John ran into the kitchen, slipping slightly on a small puddle of water left by Moose's water bowl. "Wobbie here!" his index finger pointed to the back door. "Gramma and Wobbie is here!"

The back door opened revealing the visitors. "No" George laid his newspaper down.

"Oh yes." Anne removed Robbie from her hip and placed him on his feet; the boys scurried off into the living room. "Where are they?" she questioned.

Before he could respond, Nora and Margret stepped inside the door. "No"

"It's nice to see you too, George" Margret said, laying her purse on the counter.

His eyes went to Nora, "did you do this?" Nora nodded slowly, lips pursed. "Oh. Nice. What is this, gang up on me day?"

Nora chuckled "George, we're not ganging up on you."

"Uh yeah you kinda are. I mean look at you. You all stormed over here together with some very unpleasant looks on your faces." He paused for a moment, "You didn't tell them did you?" he questioned her.

"Tell us what George" Margret started.

"That Amy and Ricky ran off and got married?" Anne finished. A cry erupted from the other room "I'm going to put Robbie down for a nap, but this isn't over." she scolded before walking out of the kitchen.

Margret drew back a chair and sat down. Her eyes were like orbs piercing his soul. "So George do you know something we don't?"

"No." George deadpanned. John walked back into the kitchen with Moose at his side.

"Ok then. I guess we'll all just wait here for Ricky and Amy to get home- together."

Eyes growing wide with dread, he snapped on Moose's leash; patting the dog's head. "Run!" He mouthed to John before bolting out the back door.

"He knows something" Nora stated.

"He sure does..." Margret replied.


The smooth covers shifted slightly as Ricky rolled over onto his back. Taking in the bright sunlight coming in from the window, he smiled at the ceiling before rolling over to his other side. Amy lay next to him, her hand lying by her head, a piece of hair covering her face. Reaching slowly, he brushed the strand behind her ear; his touch causing her eyes to open. Taking in the sight of him, "Good morning" she smiled through a soft whisper.

"Good morning" he smiled back. "What time is it?"

Reaching for the phone lying underneath the pillow, "Almost 11" a worried expression crossed her face. "Oh no"


"Did you read your phone?"

"No... why..." she pulled the phone in front of his face; the screen reading "SOS. Mothers in kitchen. Stay put!"

Ricky shot up, pulling his body to rest against the headboard. "We have to go."

"Nooo we don'ttt" Amy whined in protest, sighing as she scooted closer onto his side of the bed.

"Yes we do. We can't leave dad and John in the house with those women all day."

"Did you just say dad?"

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