Chapter 1

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I can't believe we are actually doing it, after years of being tormented by A, we can finally stand to see each other again. The girls and I are going to meet up at The Brew, a nice place to get us used to each other again. After what happened, I suggested we spend some time apart trying to forget, and they all agreed. Now that we all had time to get our lives separately, I can actually stand to think of them again. Don't get me wrong, I love them, it is just the memories they bring back are horrid.

I walk into our old hangout and order a coffee. I see that Emily is already there so without thinking I am in her arms crying. I haven't seen her in five years, and now that I do, I realize how much I miss her. I turn around and Aria is there so we all do a group hug. Hanna will probably be late, as per usual. I don't care right now though because I love them all so much.

"Should we sit down?", Aria asks.

"Yeah Hanna should be here soon", I reply. We don't know what to talk about so we sit there staring at the door waiting for Hanna to come through the door. "I'll call her", I say dryly. She picks up on the third ring.

"Uh..hello?", she says.

"Hey it's me, Spencer, and we were wondering if you were planning on meeting us at The Brew?", I reply.

"OH MY GOSH is that today? Hold on a sec...Hey I have to leave you need to watch the kids...I am on my way I will see you guys soon."

"Okay we will be waiting here." I hang up and look at the other two. They are both sipping their coffee avoiding conversation. The only talk we can make is small talk. Until Hanna arrives. Then we ask each other where we got in life.

"Well", Hanna starts, "Caleb and I got married one crazy weekend in Vegas, then we had two kids, Addie, who is three, and Kenzie, who is one. I am currently working as a secretary for the Rosewood Police Department. Caleb stays at home and works on designing websites for local businesses."

I can't believe Hanna works at the Rosewood Police Department, when she spent so many years lying and running from them. She has two kids, did I hear her correctly? I pictured Hanna and Caleb partying not having two kids! I mean, what have I done with my life? I graduated college, and am now trying to find employment as a criminal detective, but nothing has opened up. I don't want to say it, but right now I am working as a waitress just to pay my bills.

"Let's see", says Emily, "I got my teaching degree and I teach P.E. and I also coach swim, but this fall I am going to do that at Rosewood. During the summers I spend most my days eight to five volunteering, ya know, giving back to the community. That's pretty much it for me."

Aria is next, "Ezra and I broke up the summer after I finished high school, so I went to college, then later decided to drop out. I haven't seen anyone seriously since Ezra so my love life is down the toilet. I started up my own studio where I sell my paintings, and also my student's paintings. It is going pretty well since I charge my student's. I guess I'm done. What about you Spence?"

Here goes nothing, "I went to school, but I am currently looking for employment. I want to be a detective, but no spots are open anywhere. I am not proud because I am currently a waitress until a position opens up. Toby and I are on and off and right now we are off. So I guess you could say I fail at life."

"Spence you don't fail", says Hanna. Right as Hanna finishes her sentence, the door swings open and in walks Alison Dilaurentis.

"What is she doing here?', I whisper.

"I invited her here", Emily says, "She has had it rough too ya know. I told her to come later because I thought I would somehow work it into the conversation, but that didn't work."

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