Chapter 4

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All of us except Emily are in Spencer's barn. I stand by Caleb and avoid eye contact with Ali. I wouldn't mind if A took her. She did help save us, but it just feels like she is still hiding something, like she usually does.

Toby and Spencer are sitting on the same couch, but they are barely touching. I know it will take a while for those two to get back to normal. Mike and Mona show up and show us Mona's ring, then we get started.

Spencer stands up and says, "Somebody is helping Wren, and we need to figure out who it is."

Mona adds, "It is probably more than one person, we need to think of who would contact Wren. What about Melissa?"

Aria says, "Dead end. She left and I don't think she will be back anytime soon."

Mona says, "The only other person I can think of is Spencer, but she wouldn't have called this meeting if it were her."

Ali says, "I know somebody who was close to Wren."

"Who?", half of us ask.

"Ezra, I saw them at a bar when I was 'dead'", Ali says.

"And why exactly should we believe you?", I ask nastily. Caleb puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Because", she says, "I am all you have."

We start trying to figure out how we are going to get near Ezra. Nobody knows where he is. I personally, want to use Aria as bait, but she isn't going for it. She hates his guts and doesn't want to see him.

After arguing with her for half an hour, I finally convince her to do it. She calls him and they are going to meet at the kissing rock in an hour. I leave the room to call Emily and fill her in. When I get back, Aria is ready to go. She goes to her house to prepare herself.

Caleb is trying to hack into Ezra's computers, but apparently he made it really hard. Mike and Mona leave to steal the jail records to see who visited Wren. Ali is talking to Aria on the phone and explaining to her what she needs to do if something goes wrong. Spencer and Toby decided to stake out Ezra's apartment and once he leaves, they are going in. I go with them to tell them when he come back. If he caught us, that would be bad.

Emily calls and says she is released from the hospital, but she has to take it easy. Her mom drops her off here. She will stay here with Caleb to keep her safe. Ali is going to watch Aria in case she needs help. I say we should go, so we do. I hope this all works out.




I hate that I have to see Ezra. He makes me so mad. I don't like to be around Ali either, but I have to live with her for now if we are going to take Ezra down.

I am at the kissing rock and he isn't here yet. Ali is waiting a few blocks away on case anything happens. I here a crunch and I turn.

Ezra is standing there. I can see it in his eyes that he is crazy. I try to act natural and say, "Ezra, I am sorry about overreacting earlier. It was just a lot of information to take in at once."

He says, "I should be the one apologizing, I was acting really weird and I don't know what got into me. Please forgive me."

I really don't want to forgive him, but if he is A, I don't want him to be upset so I say, "I forgive you."

He starts closing the distant between us and he kisses me. I kiss him back even though I don't want to. Our kisses don't feel like they used to.

He finally breaks away and says, "I want to show you something, come with me."

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