Chapter 5

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I wake up again with Spencer and Emily sitting next to me. I look over and see that they are just waking up. Three people walk in, they must be our captors. I recognize them as Ezra, Wren, and Paige. I never thought Paige would have done something like this.

"Well", Wren says, "The reason you are all here is because we want you. Emily with Paige, Aria with Ezra, and of course Spencer with me." He winks at Spencer and she winces. "Now that we all have what we want, we will be separating you. That way if one of us goes down, the others don't have to."

I try to think of a way out of here when Paige hits Ezra on the head with some bar. She tries to take out Wren, but he tackles her. Spencer stands up and charges at Wren. Emily follows and I help Paige up. I run out of the room and find the phone to call the police. They are on their way so I go back to help. I see Ezra is bleeding badly and Emily is unconscious. Paige is tending to Emily so it is just Spencer and Wren still fighting.

I take off my jacket and put it around Ezra's head. He is bleeding very badly. I hear cars so I run out of the room trying to find where they came from. I want them to get here quick. I see the lights and motion my hands for them to follow me. They do and we run to where they are. I see a shaken Paige, an unconscious Emily, a bleeding Ezra, a dead Wren, and a horrified Spencer.




When I attacked Wren he pushed Emily on the floor and she didn't move.

"HELP HER!", I scream at Paige.

"You know Spencer", Wren says, "I think you can at least try to learn to love me."

"NEVER!", I shout as I charge at him. He grabs me and slams me against the wall. I kick him in the crotch and bolt to look for weapons. I see a knife in Ezra's hand and I grab it.

"Wow what are you doing there Spencer?", he asks.

"Finishing this madness once and for all. I should have killed you when I had the chance.", I say.

"Please, I can change I swear", he says, "I'll leave you and your friends alone."

"I have absolutely no reason to believe a word you say." I go for him and put the knife in his stomach. I twist it and he falls to the ground. I pull the knife out and stand there, horrified at what I have done. I turn around and see Toby. I run into his arms and I pray he won't ever let me go. The officers are confused on who to arrest. They just decide to take everybody to the hospital. They pronounced Wren dead at the scene. I feel guilty yet safe. I now know that I don't have to worry.I just have a few cuts and bruises, Aria and I have it the best.

Emily finally came to and Ezra is still not awake. I am waiting for Hanna to get here. She seems to be taking forever when she finally walks through the door. Aria, Hanna, and I are in a group hug. We go to see Emily in her room. She has a concussion so we have to be careful around her. When we walk in we see Paige talking to her and I freeze.




Paige told me everything how she went with these boys so she could help us escape. Paige is a nice person and a good friend, but I want to be with Ali. I don't want to hurt her feelings since she did risk her life to save me and my friends.

The girls walk in and freeze. Then they come in and say thanks to Paige. Ali walks in and gives me a big hug. I want her to lie down next to me, but the other girls are there. Paige leaves and we all sit in silence.

Spencer says, "Whenever we are in the same town, trouble starts. I think I need to get out of this town you guys I am sorry."

"Why Spencer?", I ask.

"I killed Wren. I killed him. I can't be anywhere with any memories of him. I just need to leave this town. Toby is coming with me. I will say goodbye in the morning.", and with that, Spencer leaves. Aria runs after her. I tell Hanna and Ali everything I remember. Hanna leaves so it is just Ali and I.

We talk for a while, then she leaves. I fall asleep from exhaustion.




The next morning we are all at Spencer's house.

"Spencer", I say, "I hope we can try to keep in touch."

"Oh we definitely will", she says, "how else would I invite you to my wedding?"

"So you guys are getting married? Congratulations!"

"It might be a while, but we will eventually."

Spencer says goodbye to the other girls. I say, "Can I please have everybody's attention?" I look at Caleb and he nods, "Caleb and I are going to have another kid."

Everybody surrounds us and congratulates us. Spencer and Toby leave and Caleb and I walk to our car. We get in and head to my mom's house to tell her the news.

Caleb's job can take him anywhere and we want to live in a place where we aren't constantly scared. We are going to go to Minnesota once the baby is born. We decide to keep it a secret for now, Spencer just left so we don't want to make it too much.




Spencer left and Hanna is having a baby. I have barely done anything with my life. Emily and I decided to get back together.We are going to take things slow and see how they go.

I hope we work out. Aria says she is going to keep her studio. I am going to try and set up her and Noel. He has had a crush on her for a while now. They would make such a cute couple.

My family likes that I am going out with Emily. Jason thinks we should have been together for a while now. My dad just adores Emily and he knows how sweet she is.

Emily let Paige down easily, because she liked Paige as a friend. I still don't like Paige, but I can if Emily wants me to. I just want her all to myself. Because I love her.

A/N: This is the last chapter, but I will do an epilogue.

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