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Sorry- I've been- busy

I was asleep and then it happened my baby decided she was going to wiggle again. We found out my baby was a XX chromosome so- female. Hehe science.

"Jaii- make her stop!" I growled hitting his chest- my tummy -being huge- it was not as easy for me as it was for him to easily to stop her. Jaii jumped up alarmed, and looked around. He noticed it was just us and that the baby was being noticed and cooled off.

"Hey baby girl- daddy's here- shhh" he whispered to my belly kissing her and rubbing my belly. She cooled down and settled into sleeping again.

"Thank god." I whispered. I haven't sleeper an eye since we laid down- TWO HOURS AGO. Not fun.

"Have you even slept baby?" He asked cupping my face with his hands kissing my head. I shook my head 'no' and closed my eyes.

"Baby doll keeping you up?" He whispered knowing it was her. I nodded.

"I bet your tired." I nodded. "Come here." He grabbed me- turned me the other way- held my belly and kept my back on his chest. He kissed my neck and nuzzled into me, as i burrowed into him.

"Go to sleep." He whispered. I nodded.

"Don't go back to being silent." He said kissing my cheek and going back to nuzzling- falling asleep.

I love this man, and when our daughter is born, I'll love him more. For helping me make a beautiful child.

"Arba Ash?" I asked. Jaii shook his head.

"Maybe Arba, not Ash- gross." He said to me. I nodded.

"How about Arba Copeland??" He asked me smiling- Kellin Quinn has a daughter named Copeland. So why not right?

"Yes." I said kissing his face.

Soon we nodded off.


Ugh I've been busy I miss writing. I'll write another chapter soon. Bai love yew!

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