Chapter 2

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I'm baaacccckkkk !!!
Nic Pletts as Diego


".....and that's final." I nodded my head even though I wasn't listening to anything he had just said.

I was stuck listening to Dom and Diego chew me out for the passed 30 minutes and I wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and go to sleep.

"Dallas!" Diego snapped and I jolted up, blinking rapidly to clear the sleep from my vision.

"Yeah?" I asked sleepily.

"We're you even paying atention to anything we've been saying?" He questioned.

"Honestly, no." I said with a yawn.

"You wanna go somewhere you tell us and one of us has to go with you. You can't go anywhere by yourself until we feel that they won't be out looking for you." He repeated.

I deftly nodded and he sighed.

"Just go to sleep." He said and they both stood and left my room.


"You're a clever one aren't you?" That voice brought me out of my sleep and I sat up instantly shielding my eyes from the bright rays of sun filtering through my window.

My dreams were plagued with those three men and it had my heart racing and my panties soaked. I groaned as I got out of bed, heading to my bathroom for a much needed shower. After about 30 minutes I got out and finished getting ready. Once I deemed myself presentable I took my sheets downstairs to get washed and then headed to the kitchen for something to eat.

Dom was already sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of him and phone in hand. I pulled out my cereal bowl and my favorite cereal before picking the seat right in front of him. I had already decided in the shower that I will do my best to annoy them enough to get them to lift this 'babysitting' thing they called themselves putting on me.

"Watcha doing?" I asked before taking a bite of my Lucky Charms.

"Work." He replied not taking his eyes from his phone.

"What kinda work?" I questioned leaning over the island to peer over the top of his phone.

He ignored me and continued tapping away at his phone.

"What kinda work?" I asked again, this time poking his sides as well.

He growled low as he got up and headed upstairs to his room. A smirk rose on my face as I finished my cereal then headed upstairs as well.

"Ddddoooooommmmm!" I yelled as I knocked repeatedly on his door.

He continued to ignore me and I laughed to myself before yelling his name again.

"What do you want?" He groaned as he opened his door.

"I wanna spend time with my brother." I smiled brightly only to get the door slammed in my face.

I went back to knocking at his door and laughed as I heard him turn up his music officially tuning me out. I pulled out my phone as a devious smile made its way onto my face. I headed downstairs where Diego was sitting in the couch watching the last game in the NBA Finals.

"Diieeeggooo." I called in a sing song voice as I sat extremely close to him.

"What?" He asked not once taking his eyes off the screen.

"I wanna go to the store." I replied a smug smile on my face as he groaned.

"Wait til the game goes off." He said then cheered as the Warriors hit another 3.

"But this can't wait I need to go now." I insisted.

"Then ask Dom." He stated.

"Dom is ignoring me. He's locked himself in his room." I said and snickered as his face turned red.

"Then knock on the door." He replied.

"He turned Hus music up so he won't hear it." I stated.

"I could always go by myself." I hinted and his eyes flickered towards me.

"Grab your shoes and come on." He snapped standing from the couch and walking towards the door.

I stared at him in shock not quite believing that he would miss his game. I quickly hopped up and followed behind him. I ended up bullshitting my way through the trip, taking my time in the stores and being completely indecisive about what I wanted.

It got to him but he was trying his best not to flip out on me. The last place I forced him to take me was the book store. I came there mostly to try to bug the book that I lost but to my utter heartbreak and disappointment they didn't have another copy. I in turn, walked out of there with a whole 15 book series and the 5 books that made up its two spin off series. I forced Diego to carry all of my books and my bags from Bath & Body Works while I skipped ahead with my bags from Hot Topic, Spencers and Zummies.

Now that I think of it I really did want to go to the store. Once we got into the car he glared angrily at me and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Anywhere else you wanna go?" He asked with clenched teeth and my eyes lit up.

"Yes! We need to got to Mister Bulky's." I cheered and he groaned at having asked.

He drove the 15 minutes there and I rushed inside. Mister Bulky's was my all time favorite candy store and I loved their crystal candy, Icee candy and jawbreakers. Their other candy was great too but not the reason I haul ass to get here. After I felt like I had enough candy I went to the check out and the guy behind the counters eyes bulged at the amount of candy I had as well as how easily I pulled the 100 dollar bill out to pay for it, he must have been new because all the other workers know how I roll.

Heading next door I bought quite a few cookies and brownies from Great American Cookies because I couldn't resist and then headed back to the car where Diego was still glaring.

"Want a cookie?" I offered as I hopped into the passenger seat.

"No. We're going home." He snapped and this time I couldn't hold in my laugh.

"W-why are you s-so angry." I choked out between laughs.

"I know you took your time so I'd miss the game." He uttered.

"Whhhhaaaaa?" I questioned though we both knew that's what I did.

"Don't pla-" His words were cut off as he took a sharp turn.

"What the hell!" I shouted.

"We got a tail." He muttered and that's the last thing he said before the car became utterly silent.

I shurgged and let him do his thing and pulled out the first book in the A Shade Of Vampire series and began reading. Once he finally slowed to a normal pace I was just finishing up the second book because they were so good.

"Dom would've shook them faster." I muttered and he quickly stepped on the break causing me to smack myself in the face with my book.

"Jerk!" I stated and he laughed at me before continuing our ride home.

Once we pulled up to the house he helped me bring my bags in and up to my room.

"No more going out for a while." He instructed and I nodded half heartedly before he left.

I was definitely not going to let anyone scare me into staying shut in the house. Even if they were three of the most powerful people of the East side.

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