Chapter 5

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Yiorgos Karavas as Angel Hemmings (The Middle Child)


The following days were uneventful and everything went back to the everyday routine, well almost normal.
My thoughts were solely on those triplets and I hated and loved it at the same time.

"Hey, I'm going to take a little drive up to the lake." I told Diego who was at the kitchen table.

He looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Any particular reason?" He asked curiously.

"I just need to get out the city." I replied messing up my hair a bit.

"Okay, just be careful. Text me if anything goes wrong alright?" He questioned and I nodded.

I snatched my keys up and slung my bag over my shoulder before heading out the door. I hopped in my car and tossed my bag into the passenger seat before popping in a CD and pulling out onto the road.

I was about halfway there, heading through the west side when I realized that I needed to stop for gas. I groaned, not really wanting to stop on this side of town for gas but I decided to suck it up and get some at the first gas station I saw.

I pulled up to a pump, looked at the number and skipped inside to pay for my gas. The door dinged as I entered and the two men at the counter had me sneaking into the nearest aisle before they noticed me. I ducked down and made my way around the back of the store. The two in question ended their conversation with the cashier and made their way towards the door.

I watched from behind the shelves as they exited the store and got into the police cruiser that was parked in the last space in front of the store. I made my way up to the counter where the cashier looked like he wanted to laugh.

"Go ahead and laugh. I need 20 on pump 8 though." I said and handed him the bill.

"Avoiding the cops?" He asked.

"More like avoiding those two in particular." I corrected.


"Yeah...wait, the other one isn't a cop too is he?" I asked, he seemed like he would know seeing as he was chatting it up with the other two.

"Nah, that's not Fallen's style." He replied.

"Well thanks. Oh, and I'll take a couple of these." I grabbed a couple of super bow pops; leaving the money on the counter before rushing out and heading to the pump.

I unscrew the gas cap and start pumping the gas, unwraping one of my blow pops and placing it in my mouth before checking the counter. I watched as the numbers continously changed until it stopped and placed it back in the cradle. With a final glance at the parked cruiser, I hopped into my car and continued to the lake.

I ended up staying there well into the night but I made sure to text my brothers so they wouldn't flip out. On the way back, I stopped at the same gas station for something to snack on. There was only one car in the lot and I'm guessing that it belonged to the cashier. I parked closer to the door and hopped out and skipped into the store. I grabbed a huge Brisk half & half(half tea half lemonade)and a few bags of chips before heading up to the counter.

I grabbed more Super Blow Pops then took a step back to look at the selection of candy under the counter.

"May I have a king sized bag of M&M's, a king sized Kit Kat, Snickers, Twix, and a um.... A Mr. GoodBar too." I said and the same cashier from earlier was still there.

"Sweet tooth or no?" He questioned.

"Something like that." I laughed pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

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